Can I Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Story? Know The Answer!!

Can I Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Story

Have you ever posted several pictures to your Instagram Story but later realized that the order of posting those pictures isn’t right? If yes, then you must have wondered if can I rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story. Don’t worry as we have got a solution for all your queries!

Instagram Stories has been there for quite a while and almost all regular Instagram users use this feature. Be it using Instagram Stories for your business or for regular use, we just can’t resist using this feature. Users can add two pictures to their Instagram Stories, view anyone’s old Stories through Highlights, and much more. Everyone is aware that rearranging photos in an Instagram Highlight is possible but can I rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story?

If I have to rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story, then it is easily possible for anyone to do that before posting their Instagram Story. You just need to unselect the picture that you want to shift or change and then select it in the required order.

Along with the benefit to rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story, Instagram even allows us to rearrange the order of the pictures that have already been posted to your Instagram profile. 

Can I Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Story?

If you are thinking about if I can rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story, then yes, it is possible to rearrange the order of the pictures on your Instagram Story. However, remember that if you post your Instagram Story and want to rearrange it after posting, then it is not possible to rearrange the order of the pictures on your Instagram Story without deleting your Story. So, be careful while choosing the order of the Story, and do not post it before you confirm the order of sharing them!

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Story While Publishing?

To rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story while publishing, open the Instagram Story section > gallery > select > unselect > select again > customize > share.

Step 1: Open the Instagram Story section by swiping toward the right side.

Step 2: Next, tap on the gallery icon and then tap on the select option above the photos.

Step 3: Choose your preferred photos by tapping on them and they will get arranged. 

Step 4: Now, to rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story, unselect the photo that you wish to add to the last, the sequence will change, and again select the pictures in the right order.

Step 5: Then, tap on the arrow, customize the Story, and tap on Your Story to share it with your friends. 

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post While Publishing?

To rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram post while publishing, Plus icon > Multiple pictures icon > select pictures > Next > hold and drag to rearrange > Next > Customize > Share.

Step 1: Open the Instagram app and tap on the Plus icon to post your favorite pictures.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post While Publishing

Step 2: Next, tap on the multiple pictures icon above your photos.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post While Publishing

Step 3: Then, choose the pictures that you want to post and tap on the Next button.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post While Publishing

Step 4: Next, hold and drag the picture to rearrange it as per your preference.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post While Publishing

Step 5: Once done, tap on the Next button at the top right corner.

Step 6: Now, customize the pictures of your choice by adding a caption, location, and more.

Step 7: Finally, tap on the Share button at the top right corner and share it with your friends on Instagram Feed.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post After Publishing? 

To rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram post after publishing, go to your profile > open the post > Ellipsis icon > Edit > Photo > Delete icon > Delete > Done > profile > Hamburger icon > Your activity > Recently Deleted > Photo > Ellipsis icon > Restore.

With the restore trick, that’s how to rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram existing posts in my profile. Our photos will get rearranged in a new order.

Step 1: Open your Instagram profile section by tapping on the profile icon at the bottom right corner.

Step 2: Next, tap on and open the post to rearrange the pictures in that post.

Step 3: Then, tap on the Ellipsis icon at the top of the post.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post After Publishing

Step 4: Now, tap on the Edit option.

Step 5: Then, swipe the photo that you wish to reorder.

Step 6: Next, tap on the Delete or trash icon at the top left side of the photo and then tap on the Delete option to confirm. You can repeat the same for the other photos.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post After Publishing

Step 7: Once done, again navigate to your profile and tap on the Hamburger icon at the top.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post After Publishing

Step 8: Next, tap on the Your Activity option and then tap on the Recently Deleted option.

Step 9: Here you will find your deleted photos. So, tap and open the photo to restore it.

How To Rearrange The Order Of The Pictures On My Instagram Post After Publishing

Step 10: Then, tap on the Ellipsis icon and then tap on the Restore option.

Wrapping Up

You can leave a bad impact on your Instagram followers if you untidily arrange the order of photos in Instagram Stories or posts. Though it is quite normal for almost every one of us, but the best part of what I have loved about Instagram is that I can easily rearrange the order of the pictures on my Instagram Story and posts. By rearranging the order, you can leave a good impression as your best pictures will be on the first slide! So, let’s make our Instagram profile and Stories look the best by rearranging their order!

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Can I Rearrange My Instagram Story Pictures After I Post Them?

A. No, you cannot rearrange your Instagram Story pictures after you post them. If you want to rearrange them, then try doing it before posting. Once you post your Instagram Story, you won’t be able to rearrange it unless you delete your Stories and then rearrange them and post it again.

Q2. How Many Pictures Can I Include In My Instagram Story?

A. You can add a maximum of 10 pictures to your Instagram Story.

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