
Is Your Firestick Remote Not Working? Fix this in 4 Easy Steps!!

Firestick Remote Not Working

Urg!! Not again!! Is your Amazon Firestick Remote not working? It’s such a common problem that almost everyone faces every now and then. Don’t freak out. Relax!! If you’re here and reading this post then let me assure you that your problem has got many solutions, that are mentioned right here in this article.

Although there are so many ways to operate your Firestick, who wants to put extra effort? Don’t worry, we won’t let you do the hustle for longer as we got you covered with the four best ways to fix your firestick not working problem. But, don’t start that same remote fight with your siblings all over again after it gets fixed. Just saying!!

There can be so many reasons why your remote stopped working properly like you might have a poor network connection or the batteries are not placed properly or even there can be some technical fault. So what to do? Where to start? The very first step we suggest is to try the power test by removing and putting back your remote batteries. Is your Firestick Remote Not Working even after doing so? Don’t worry, follow the other methods mentioned below to fix this problem.

There’s no need to lose your cool as every problem has a solution and so does this one. We’ll start with basic steps to fix the Firestick remote not pairing issue. 

Also Read, How To Install Google Chrome On Firestick – 100% Working Tricks

Firestick Remote Not Working – 4 Steps To Fix the Pairing

If you have tried every possible measure at your end and nothing seems to be working, then try out these simple yet effective methods to fix your pairing problem.

Remove Batteries

Firestick Remote Not Working; Remove Batteries
Source: Sourajit Saha

The simplest way to fix your Firestick remote. Remove the remote batteries and put them back. Do this three-four times. You might tap the remote on your palm or with a wall if needed. But oops!! Be careful, don’t break it.

If that didn’t work then replace the old batteries with new ones. There’s a possibility that your batteries might be expired or dead. 

If that was the issue with your remote battery then this method will surely work. If it didn’t work and the problem still exists then head over to the second method.

Unplug The Power Source From Your Firestick

Firestick Remote Not Working; Unplug The Power Source From Your Firestick
Source: KFire TV

You can either do this by unplugging the USB from the stick itself or you can unplug the power cord from the wall.

The thing you need to avoid is don’t just unplug the HDMI from the TV because that’s not actually going to reset it. 

So, you’ll have to leave it unplugged for 60 seconds. See if it works. If not, we have other ways too. Let’s move to the next troubleshooting step.

Also Read, How To Install PPV On Firestick – Tricks To Watch PPV On Fire TV

Hold Left Side, The Back, and The Menu Button

Firestick Remote Not Working; Hold Left Side, The Back, and The Menu Button
Source: Rootv Services

The back and the menu button are on either side of the home button. So, you need to hold all three of these buttons, Left, menu, and back for a minimum of 12 seconds.

Once you’ve done that for 12 seconds go ahead and take out the batteries again. Now once your firestick has been unplugged for 60 seconds you’re good to go and plug it back in again.

You have to wait for another 60 seconds after you plug it back in. Once the firestick has been plugged back in for 60 seconds put back the batteries in the remote.

Now let’s go ahead and click the home button again. There’s a good chance it’s not going to work right away. Hold the home button downwards and if the light starts blinking on the remote that means it is searching for signals. 

If the light goes blue that means you have successfully paired your firestick. You might have to do this step multiple times. If it’s still not pairing then jump onto the next step.

Go To PlayStore and Search For Fire TV App

Firestick Remote Not Working; Go To PlayStore and Search For Fire TV App
Source: Firestick Tricks

The next step you need to follow is to take out your smartphone and search for FireTV on the google play store. It brings up the Amazon FireTV app. Install that app and open it on your phone. Make sure you are connected to a wi-fi network both on your phone and on Firestick so that this step works.

In the app, you’ll find the firestick option. Select it. By doing this you can use your phone as a remote control. Using your phone, go to “home” and then “settings”. In the settings menu go to controller and Bluetooth devices.

Next hit on Amazon Fire TV remotes. What you need to do is, click on “add new remote”. This potentially helps with your pairing process as you hold down that home button for ten seconds at a time. And you get that blinking yellow light.

Hope it helps you switch to that blue light. This step will surely help.

Also Read, 3 Alternatives To Install Zoom On Firestick

How To Reset Your Firestick Remote?

One, two, three, and it’s done. What? I am talking about the steps to reset your firestick remote. Just follow these three simple and quick steps and reset the remote.

  1. Turn on your TV and Fire Stick device.
  2. Press and hold the Right directional button and the Back button for a minimum of 10-15 seconds.
  3. Click the Reset option from the pop-up message. Wait for a few minutes for it to complete the processing. And it’s done!!

Hope these steps helped you to fix your Firestick Remote Not Working issue. You can try these methods at least two to three times before heading forward to any other means. 

Featured Image Credits: YouTube

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