How To Find Kahoot In Mobile? 4 Easy Steps!

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile

Are you new to the world of fun learning with Kahoot? Do you want to use Kahoot like all your friends? Then, you must be wondering how to find Kahoot in Mobile. We present to you everything that you need to know to find Kahoot in mobile.

Kahoot is a popular online educational platform that presents quiz-style games for the users. It makes learning interesting and a fun-filled process. Kahoot gives users an educational platform, to all its users who include students, teachers and educational organizations, for free of cost.

Kahoot is an efficient platform to conduct classes that is a combination of digital and classroom-oriented courses, which has been operating since 2013. This game-based learning app has attracted over 500 million users, all over the world. The app is available on all Apple and Android mobile devices and can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play. Amazon Appstore and HUAWEI AppGallery.

If you want to find Kahoot in mobile, you can do so by clicking the magnifier icon found at the bottom of the screen. You can enter the kahoots topic or a username that you would like to find.

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile?

Kahoot offers users an engaging digital platform that is formed to aid students and educators alike. Users can download educational games and participate in engaging quizzes conducted by the teachers, along with all your friends. You will be able to easily compare your results with others in your class. You will also be able to evaluate your growth, with the help of your past scores.

If you want to find Kahoot in mobile, you can follow these steps.

Step 1 – Click The Magnifier Icon

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile - Search

Are you searching for a particular kahoot or looking for a specific user? You can find Kahoot in mobile, by clicking the magnifier icon ‘Search’, found at the bottom of your screen. Click it to go to the search bar.

Step 2 – Enter The Keyword

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile - type

Type in the keyword to find Kahoot in mobile. When you type in the keyword, you will notice a list of matching terms, related to your keyword. This is an auto-complete option, with which you can identify all the popular keywords that are related to your search query. Click the Enter button on your keyboard, to initiate search.

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile - keyword

Step 3 – Filter The Results

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile - filter

Once you click the Enter button to submit your search query, you will see the list of search results. You can make use of the filter option to narrow down your search and thus making it easy to find Kahoot in mobile.

For example, enter your ‘grade’ or ‘subject’ filter to view only the popular tags relevant to the keyword and aides you to find Kahoot in mobile.

Step 4 – Kahoot Details

When you see the list of results, you will notice various cards, containing different kahoot. You will see the following details in every card.

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile - details

·       Title of the kahoot

·       Kahoot cover image

·       Number of questions in the kahoot

·       When the kahoot was created

·       Username of the creator

When you click the kahoot to open it, you will further see some more information of the kahoot, like

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile - kahoot

·       Description of the kahoot, as entered by the creator

·       A short preview of the questions

·       Number of times the kahoot has been played

·       Number of times the kahoot has been added to favorites, by the users.

Related : How To Change Kahoot Username? In 5 Easy Steps!

Find Your Favorite Kahoot

How To Find Kahoot In Mobile - find kahoot

If you want to add a kahoot that you like to your favorites, all you have to do is to click on the ‘Star’ found at the right of the kahoot’s title. When you click it, you will notice that it gets highlighted, and is added to your favorite kahoot.

When you want to find Kahoot in mobile, which you have added to your favorites, you will be able to quickly access it from the ‘My games’ section, found in the bottom navigation bar.

Related : How To Play Kahoot By Yourself? Latest Detailed Tutorial 2022

Find Your Kahoot

If you want to find your own kahoots, or your favorite kahoots, or the kahoots shared with you, click the ‘My games’ button found at the bottom of the page, in the navigation bar. You can now click to find Kahoot in mobile, by selecting the category you are looking for – kahoot, favorites or kahoot shared with you.

Wrap Up

Kahoot should be viewed as an online educational platform instead of a gaming for entertainment. As Kahoot is available to be downloaded absolutely for free, users find Kahoot in mobile stores, easily. Kahoot has brought together education and social networking, which seems to be an odd combination, which has proven to work wonders, for students and educators alike. Let us make the best use of this wonderful opportunity to find Kahoot in mobile and utilize it to the best of our potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do I Open A Kahoot?

There are millions of kahoots that are available for the public to use on the platform.

1.Search for a game to play.

2.Click on the game to launch it.

3.Click Start to play the kahoot game.

4.Click on Get Results to view Reports.

5.You can Save Results to download the game report.

Q2. How To Make Your First Kahoot?

Before you make your first kahoot, plan your learning objective and do proper research. Only then will you succeed in creating a kahoot that is popular and unique.

1.Login to your account.

2.Click Create at the top right corner of the page.

3.Select Quiz.

4.Enter all the questions, with answers and necessary pictures.

5.Enter the title, description and the cover image.

Q3. How Do I Install Kahoot?

Kahoot is available on all Apple and Android mobile devices and can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play. Amazon Appstore and HUAWEI AppGallery.

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