How To Fix An Instagram Camera Not Working? Useful Fixes!

How to Fix an Instagram Camera not Working

Are you struggling that how to fix an Instagram camera not working? Are you also facing issues with your Instagram camera? Well, you are not alone, many people are facing the same issue. The primary purpose of the Instagram app is to post the latest picture and if the camera is not working then it can spoil your mood. Luckily this problem is not going to last more. This article will help in How to Fix an Instagram Camera not Working?

Instagram is the key social media app in the virtual world with more than one billion active users. That’s why developers of Instagram are also continuously updating the app. Many users are struggling with the issue because the Instagram camera app is not working. They are unable to capture pictures on their trip. Or they are unable to use cool Instagram filters.

Well, you can follow a few steps and methods that may help you how to fix an Instagram camera not working. The issue can be caused due to the frequent update coming in the app. If you are facing the same issue then this page is going to help you that how to fix an Instagram camera not working.

This issue can be from your end. The Instagram camera needs permission to access the camera. It can be fixed by simply giving permission to it. Or this issue can be caused by the new update. You just have to wait for the latest Instagram update. It can be caused by an interrupted data connection. 

In the Below the article, a few methods are mentioned which will help you how to fix an Instagram camera not working. 

How To Fix An Instagram Camera Not Working On Android and iPhone?

If an Instagram camera is not working first check whether your phone camera is working or not. If the problem is in the phone camera then you have to fix that problem. To check this you have to launch your camera app and then try to click a few pictures through your mobile camera app. If this is not working normally, you need to contact your relevant service center. If your mobile camera is working normally then this can be an issue with Instagram. Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working.

If your Instagram camera is not working then this may be caused due to the permission denied by you to access the camera. To give permission to Instagram you have to follow a few easy steps. 

Fix 1: Allow Instagram To Access The Camera 

Step 1: Launch the setting on your phone.

Step 2: tap on the app and notification.

Step 3: tap to see all apps.

Step 4: tap on Instagram 

Step 5: then in permission you allow Instagram to access the camera.

Now relaunch the Instagram app. Now check whether the Instagram camera function is working or not.Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working. If it is still unable to click a picture then try another method mentioned below.

Fix 2: Update Instagram App

You are facing this issue because you may have not updated the app. To update the Instagram app follow these steps.

Step 1: Open the play store app on your phone.

Step 2: Then tap on the profile icon in the top right corner

Step 3: Now hit on the Manage app and devices.

Step 4: tap on updates available and find the Instagram app.

Step 5: Update the Instagram app 

Now launch the Instagram app to see if the camera is working or not. Or you are facing the same issue. Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working. If yes then try another method mentioned below.

Fix 3: Clear Instagram App Cache And Data

Nowadays Instagram is giving updates regularly. there is a chance that the app can behave abnormally. It can affect features like the camera. By cleaning up the Cache and Data we can hope for the change and the camera on Instagram starts to work. After trying these steps and still facing the same issue. Then what you have to do is just try to clear the data of Instagram by following a few steps.

Step 1: Launch the setting on your phone. 

Step 2: tap on apps and notifications.

Step 3: Now click on Instagram 

Step 4: select storage and clear cache 

Step 5: now clear data 

After clearing the cache and data, restart your phone.

Check if your Instagram camera is working or if the problem is still persisting. If it is still there you can try another method. Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working.

Fix 4: Reinstall The Instagram App 

Android is also updating regularly with its new firmware update. This may cause a few apps to function abnormally. So after the firmware update try to uninstall and reinstall the apps that are having issues. Follow these simple steps and try to uninstall and reinstall the app.

Step 1: Search the Instagram app in the app drawer. 

Step 2: Tap and hold for a few seconds.

Step 3: Select uninstall the app and restart your phone.

Step 4: Now launch the play store and search Instagram 

Step 5: Install the Instagram app and log in 

Step 6: Try to capture an image from your Instagram camera.

That should be sufficient for you to solve the issue regarding the camera problem on Instagram. 

If the issue is still continuing with your Instagram app. Then this may be a problem with your device. Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working.

Fix 5: Check Updates In Phone Software

As you have updated the Instagram app, similarly updating phone software can fix the issue camera app not working on Instagram.  To update your phone software you just have to follow these steps.

Step 1: Launch setting 

Step 2: Open system update.

Step 3: There you can find an option to check for updates.

Step 4: If an update is available then download it and install it.

Step 5: Restart the phone.

Now check the Instagram app, is that issue solved? Or still, persist with the problem. If the problem is still there then try to reset your mobile phone. Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working.

Fix 6: Reset Your Phone To The Factory Setting

After trying all these methods if you are still persisting with the issue. This can be caused by the problem caused by the stock Camera API and third-party apps can not access it. Before factory resetting your mobile phone, take a backup of data from your mobile. To factory reset your phone follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Launch setting 

Step 2: Tap on the system and select the reset option.

Step 3: Now select factory data reset.

Step 4: It will ask for confirmation and a password.

After feeling the password, let your mobile factory reset it. It will restart after the process has been completed. Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working. After that camera function of your Instagram app should work. If so, the problem is continuing. Last and least you should try to sync the date and time.

Fix 7: Sync Date and Time With Real-Time Zone

Many applications on your phone will not work sometimes if the date and time is not synced with the real-time date. So make sure that your mobile phone is synced with the real date and time. Well, this can solve your problem of how to fix an Instagram camera not working.


Today’s world is so fond of social media. Users want to update their profile with day-to-day activities to their special moments. People want to share their moments with their social media family. Problems like the camera not working on Instagram cause them to feel that they are going back in the world. This article tries to give you a solution to the problem of how to fix the Instagram camera not working. Thanks for reading the article if you have any queries feel free to mention them in the comment box.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why Instagram Camera Is Not Working?

There can be a problem with your stock camera app. The Instagram camera may not work if you have denied permission to access the camera app. This problem can be caused by the new update from Instagram. 

Q. Why My Instagram Reels Camera Is Not Working?

This can be caused by the permission denied by you to access your camera or your Instagram may be facing some glitch or bug. Try to update your Instagram app from your play store.

Q. How Do I Activate The Camera On Instagram?

You can activate your Instagram camera by simply giving camera access permission to Instagram. To give permission simply launch settings then tap to app and notification. And then tap on all applications and search for Instagram. From there enable permission to access the camera. With these simple steps, you can activate your Instagram camera.

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