How To Fix Blurry OBS Recording? Know The Details!

How To Fix Blurry OBS Recording | Know The Details

Are you looking for a complete solution for the process of how to fix blurry OBS recording? If so, then this is the article you need.

OBS is a free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. However, if your OBS recording is blurry, don’t worry, here we have a complete solution of how to fix blurry OBS recording.

To fix blurry OBS recording, you need to decrease the resolution > adjust the FPS > choose better bandwidth >and upgrade the hardware. Once, you get to know about these steps, you can easily be able to make sure that you are going to know a perfect idea that can help you the most to solve the issue.

To know in detail about how to fix blurry OBS recording, read ahead.

Why You Are Facing Blurry OBS Recording Issues?

Below are the possible reasons that you need to know and consider before knowing the solution of how to fix blurry OBS recording.

  • There might be an issue with the resolution of the streaming
  • You might face this issue due to a high frame rate while recording
  • There might be an issue with the bandwidth
  • You can also face this issue due to the low specification of the hardware

So, you have got to know about the reasons to get this issue, and now, you need to know the solution to the same, which is really important, and you need to make sure that you are going to know that solution as well. Those can help you to make sure that you are going to get the required video quality that you are going to love the most.

How To Fix Blurry OBS Recording?

Fix 1: Decrease The Resolution

First, you need to try to do this, and with the help of that, you might be able to solve the issue that you are getting. For that, you need to follow a few steps, and that can help you the most with the complete process.

Step 1: First of all, you need to tap on the setting of the app.

Step 2: Then, select the video option over there.

Step 3: Now, adjust the resolution, and make sure that you are going to decrease that, and lower the resolution.

Fix 2: Adjust The FPS

Frames also play a vital role in the complete process, and that is why you need to adjust that, and if possible lower the frame rate as well. It can be a better option if you maintain that somewhere around 30 fps.

Step 1: First, you need to open the setting option on the app.

Step 2: Then, you have to select the video option.

Step 3: Now, adjust the frames, and make sure that you are going to keep that near 30, and it will also be better if you can keep that below 30.

Fix 3: Choose Better Bandwidth

A poor bandwidth can also cause you the issue that you are getting with your OBS video recording. So, you need to make sure that you are not facing that issue indeed. So, you are going to make sure that the bandwidth you are using is a better one. In fact, you might require to change that as well, to eliminate that issue you are getting.

Fix 4: Upgrade The Hardware

This might be the ultimate solution to this issue, and you need to change all the hardware that you are using on your device. Once, you are going to record a video with a clear screen, you might easily be able to choose some upgraded and better hardware to configure the device. That can help you to get perfect video recording quality wilt streaming your videos on the OBS Studio. So, you can be able to enjoy that a lot.

Our Other Guides On OBS Studio That You Must Read

  1. How To Stream To Discord With OBS Studio?
  2. How To Fix Hotkeys Not Working In OBS Studio? 7 Available Fixes!
  3. How To Fix OBS Studio Not Picking Up Mic?

Wrapping Up

Here comes an end to our post about how to fix blurry OBS recording. We hope you like the article. In case of any queries or doubts, feel free to ask us in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do I Make OBS Recordings Clearer?

There are a few ways to do that, and you can change the resolution and the frame settings, and also, you can go ahead with the hardware as well. Once, you know the steps and the process, then it might be easier to know and solve the issue that you are getting.

2. Why Does OBS Recording Look Blurry?

Due to the resolution, the OBS recording might look blurry, and that is why you need to take care of the same if you want to record the streaming in a better quality indeed.

3. How To Improve OBS Stream Quality?

If you want to improve the OBS stream quality, you need to make sure that you are changing the settings first. With the help of that, you can be able to make sure that it is just going to be perfect as you want the quality of the stream to be.

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