Alexa, switch on the lights! Alexa, turn on the radio! Alexa, what is the temperature outside? We all do ask these simple day-to-day questions to Alexa. Don’t we? Alexa makes our work so much easy. But, even though millions of people have the best smart speakers and smart displays at home, not many know how to have fun with them. One such hidden feature of Amazon is the super Alexa Mode which has many easter eggs.
What? Easter eggs? What are these? Easter eggs are like additional features that you can use to enhance your experience with the device. These easter eggs need to be activated and to activate them you need to use the right phrases. Now, you must be wondering what are these phrases? Where to get these phrases from? Ok, now calm down. We will answer each of your questions one by one.
Well, you can activate super Alexa mode with the help of Konami code which is also called Contra code. It gives out a silly response which at times also includes some references from League of Legends.
Here, in this post, we will tell you about the latest research on Alexa’s code. How you can activate it, and what all you can do with this. So, stay with us till the end.
What Is Super Alexa Mode?

The super Alexa mode is basically many jokes that are programmed in Alexa by the makers of Amazon. This is based on the Konami code which is a famous cheat code that Konami developed and published. You can find the code in many titles including Contra and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games.
We all love to ask funny questions to these voice assistants just to see how they respond to our questions. So, it becomes obvious that the gamers will try the Konami code on Alexa. Amazon has anticipated these queries and has come up with the responses just to make the users laugh till their stomach aches.
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How To Get Super Alexa Mode?

You need to use the voice command “Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start”.
Yes, these are the exact words that you need to tell Alexa. You cannot make any mistake at all. If you say up, right instead of the words mentioned above then you will get to hear from Alexa “you are so close” but the code will not get activated until and unless you say the same exact words.
Once you say the exact word Alexa will respond “Alexa mode activated, reactors are now online.”
This will give you access to the advanced systems, aborting, exceptions, donger raising, and dongers are absent. Then there will be pin-drop silence. Why? It appears that Alexa mode has not been fully activated until the dodgers are found. Hahaha, another inside joke, well played!
The Alexa mode can be activated in any new tab by the echo device, like, echo DotOpens. This also works with the Alexa app.
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How To Deactivate Super Alexa Mode?

Do you want to stop super Alexa mode before it gets too late? Because the only danger in the super Alexa way is that it will remember all the fun you had while playing a video game and will see how much they have changed.
But don’t worry, Alexa mode will not harm you or your family. You can just terminate it by allowing it to time out after around 10 seconds.
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How Does Super Alexa Work?
There is just one purpose of the super Alexa mode, do you know what Is it? Well, it is to make the gamers laugh by giving the answers to the funny questions that they ask. Amazon Alexa voice assistant devices will not change or upgrade if you use Alexa mode. The main idea behind this whole thing is to trick the gamers into believing that they have actually found something unique.
Is Alexa Super Mode Dangerous?
This supermodel of Alexa does not have any intention to harm anyone. So, roughly after 10 seconds, the process will run its course on its own and there won’t be any actions taken. The Alexa mode will close itself after 10 seconds, so, you don’t have to turn it off and Alexa will complete its task on its own.
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Wrapping Up:
If you want to activate Super Mode Alexa then you can follow these steps, you can even deactivate it if you want. But whatever the case might be, just make sure you say the right words.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do Alexa Have Any Other Gaming Easter Eggs?
Yes, Alexa definitely has other gaming easter eggs. But the others are not as detailed as this one is. If you want you can ask her “Alexa, do you know GLaDOS?” you can even say “Alexa, all your bases are ours”. This perhaps is another bite mark that comes from the gaming culture.
Q. Do Alexa Get New Abilities With This Command?
The games where the cheat code works say the Konami code will not give Alexa any special abilities, new cheats, or unlimited lives. Alexa settings stay unchanged.