How To Make Night In Little Alchemy 2? 7 Easy Steps!

How To Make Night In Little Alchemy 2

So, are you enjoying playing Little Alchemy? If yes, then we bring a detailed guide on one more amazing element that you can create in Alchemy 2: Night. Let’s see how to make night in Little Alchemy 2.

Playing Little Alchemy is pretty simple, all you have to do is to drag and drop two elements together and make a new element out of the two! By doing so, kids get a chance to experiment with their creativity and discover more elements. One of such experimental elements is “night”. Let’s see how to make night in Little Alchemy 2.

To make night in Little Alchemy 2: Create Lava > Create Land > Create Continent > Create Stone > Create Planet > Create Atmosphere > Create Cloud > Create Moon > Create Sky > Create Night. Find the details below for how to create night in Alchemy 2.

This post explains how to make night in Little Alchemy 2 as the night is one of the crucial elements in Little Alchemy 2 so knowing how to make one is important. If you also find this as a must in Alchemy then join us and learn how to create a night in Alchemy 2!

How To Make Night In Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy is a gaming website that mainly targets kids and helps them enhance their creativity by inventing and creating a new element out of any two! It serves the purpose of content learning in a unique way and makes the entire process of learning fun!! 

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When talking about learning, today’s session is going to be about how to make night in Little Alchemy 2. Follow the below given instructions carefully to create a night in Alchemy 2:

Create Lava > Create Land > Create Continent > Create Stone > Create Planet > Create Atmosphere > Create Cloud > Create Moon > Create Sky > Create Night

TIP: The first pair of instructions is for creating Moon in Little Alchemy and the 3 steps followed are for creating Sky! If you have any of these elements already created at your end, then you can skip these steps and directly hop on how to make night in Little Alchemy 2.

Step 01: Create Lava And Land

Firstly you need to create Lava and Land separately so that you can make the other elements later on for making Night as an end element. Lava is rock in molten and fluid form, this lava arises from volcanic eruption. Follow the given instructions to do so!

Step 01: Head to the Element Panel and select Fire from there and drag it on the Playing Board.

Step 02: After that select Earth from the same panel and drop it next to the Fire element and 

wait for them to make Lava.

(Earth + Fire = Lava)

Next we need to make Land with the help of Earth elements. Land is an area on earth’s surface uncovered of water. This portion is covered up by continents and islands. Here’s how you can do it: 

Step 01: Select Earth from the Element Panel and drop it on the Playing Board.

Step 02: Select one more Earth and bring to the Board to make Land out of it! Once brought together, wait for it to become Land.

(Earth + Earth = Land)

And there you have your Stone ready! Hop on the making of the next element.

Step 02: Create Continent And Stone

For the next move to make Night in Little Alchemy 2, you need to create Continent and Stone. Continent is among the major landmasses of the planet. It’s generally reckoned as seven in number. Here is how you can make one for creating Night:

Also Read: How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2? A Complete Guide!

Step 01: Select Land from the Element Panel and bring it to the main Playing Board.

Step 02: After that, select Earth from the Element’s Panel and combine it with the Land to make Continent.

(Land + Earth = Continent)

And done, you have your Continent ready! Let’s see how to make Stone now. Stone is one of the hard substances made of mineral matter. Follow the given steps to create one! 

Step 01: Select Lava from the Elements Panel and then drag-drop it to the Playing Board.

Step 02: Select Air next and then combine it with Lava to make Stone out of it and you will be good to go for making Night as an end-element.

(Lava + Air = Stone)

And you have successfully created Continent and Stone here. Let’s see what we need to create next for how to make night in Little Alchemy 2.

Step 03: Create Planet And Atmosphere

Planet is one of the eight largest bodies moving round and round to the sun. Here is how you can create one: 

Step 01: Pick Continent from the Element Panel and then place it on the Playing Board.

Step 02: Next bring one more Continent as an add-on to the first selected element and have Planet as the resulting element.

(Continent + Continent = Planet)

After Planet, you need to create Atmosphere. It’s a gaseous envelope all around the earth which includes air, weather etc. Follow the given steps to create one!

Step 01: Select Planet from the Panel given at the toolbar and then bring it to the Board.

Step 02: Next, select Air as the secondary element to make the Atmosphere.

(Planet + Air = Atmosphere)

And done! Next two elements are also ready to help you make Night in Little Alchemy 2. Let’s see the next!

Step 04: Create Cloud, Moon, And Sky

Cloud is essential for the making of Night in Little Alchemy 2 as it’s a noticeable bunch of particles of water or ice swinging in the air. It is usually found at an elevation of above the earth’s surface! Follow the steps to make one for yourself!

Step 01: Drag and drop Water from the Element Panel to the Playing Board.

Step 02: Now, bring Atmosphere as the second element to mix up with Water so that you can have Cloud as the end element.

(Water + Atmosphere = Cloud)

Now move on to creating the Moon. As a night is incomplete without a moon. Moon is the earth’s natural satellite which revolves around earth at a mean distance of 238, 857 miles and with a diameter of 2, 160 miles. Follow the instructions to make a moon on Little Alchemy 2:

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Step 01: Select Stone as the primary element for creating a Moon.

Step 02: Select Planet from the Element Panel and bring it in front of Stone to make the moon. 

(Stone + Planet = Moon)

And here you are done with the Moon. Now what? Sky still remains. Sky is the region of clouds on the top of earth’s surface. In other words it’s the upper atmosphere of the earth. The below instructions are for creating Sky in Little Alchemy 2:

Step 01: Select Cloud as the base element to create Sky and bring it to the Playing Board.

Step 02: Next, bring Air next to the Cloud and combine both, you will see Sky as the end result of these two.

(Cloud + Air = Sky)

And done! You have successfully created Sky! And now the only thing that remains is the Night. Let’s achieve it too in the next step!

Step 05: Create Night

At last, we have all the elements ready for making night in Little Alchemy 2. But exactly how to make night in Little Alchemy 2? 

Step 01: Select Sky as your primary element to create Night in Little Alchemy 2.

Step 02: At last, select Moon as the add-on to the Sky to make Night.

(Sky + Moon = Night)

And done! You have now successfully learnt how to make night in Little Alchemy 2 and made one! If you desire to master the art of creating elements in Little Alchemy 2 then the articles mentioned below will help you best!

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Wrapping Up

This was our detailed on how to make night in Little Alchemy 2 from scratch where we tried our best to explain how to make night from the very beginning at one place only so that you may not need to switch between different tabs to learn how to create every secondary element used in creating night. 

Deasilex hopes that you have learnt how to make night in Little Alchemy 2 completely, if you have any suggestion, doubt or query then you can ping us in the comment section and we will surely look into the matter. Also don’t forget to share the article with the ones who are also looking for ways to make Night in Little Alchemy 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Do You Make Day And Night In Alchemy 2?

Here is how to make day and night in Alchemy 2:

  1. Earth + Earth = Land 
  2. Earth + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet 
  4. Fire + Planet = Sun
  5. Air + Planet = Atmosphere
  6. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud 
  7. Air + Cloud = Sky 
  8. Sky + Sun = Day


  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Earth + Earth = Land
  3. Land + Earth = Continent
  4. Lava + Air = Stone
  5. Continent + Continent = Planet
  6. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  7. Water + Atmosphere = Cloud
  8. Stone + Planet = Moon
  9. Sky + Moon = Night

Q. How Do You Make A Moon In Little Alchemy 2?

For making a moon you first need to select Stone as the primary element for creating a Moon. Then, select Planet from the Element Panel and bring it in front of Stone to make the moon. 

Q. How Do You Make A Grave In Little Alchemy 2?

Here is how to make a Grave in Alchemy 2: 

  1. Coffin + Container 
  2. Coffin + Earth 
  3. Coffin + Field 
  4. Coffin + Forest
  5. Coffin + Gravestone
  6. Corpse + Earth
  7. Corpse + Field
  8. Corpse + Forest

Q. How Do You Make A Chocolate In Little Alchemy 2?

Here is how to make a chocolate in Alchemy 2: 

  1. Coconut milk + sugar
  2. Milk + Sugar
  3. Oil + Sugar
  4. Seed + Sugar

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