
What Does LG Mean On Snapchat?

LG Mean on Snapchat

There will hardly be anyone who has not heard about the acronyms LG. On Snapchat, LG is used differently with different meanings. If you are curious, then let’s find out what LG mean on Snapchat and how to use it in conversation.

You might have seen LG written on different appliances at your home but it is not necessary that LG mean the same on Snapchat and social media. Every acronym on the Snapchat has multiple meanings and is used in different situations.

Verified Answer By Expert

LG means “Little Girl” on Snapchat

Next time you have to type Little Girl on the Snapchat or social media, you can use LG acronym for it. You can also try using other acronyms on the social media while chatting with your friends.

What Does LG Mean On Snapchat?

LG means “Little Girl” on Snapchat. LG is an acronym used on Snapchat when referring to the Little Girl. LG is also used to give compliments to adult women mostly when they dress like young girls.

Apart from this meaning, LG has got some other meanings as well which include;

  • LG – Large
  • LG – Life’s Good
  • LG – Let’s Go
  • LG  –  Luxury Goods
  • LG – Last Game

Origins Of LG:

When we look back at the origin of the LG, we find out that LG is a pretty old acronym. LG was added to the Urban Dictionary in 2003 and in 2004 LG became famous because one of the popular subsidiary of famous conglomerate of South Korea.  

How Is LG Used On Snapchat?

LG is used in different situations on Snapchat. It mainly depends on the meaning of the LG and the context in which it is used. Here is how LG is used on Snapchat.

  • LG as Little Girl:

When you are chatting with your friends and someone is using LG in the chat where he is pointing to the girls, then LG mean on Snapchat is Little Girl.

  • LG as Large:

When you are talking about the size or quantity of something on Snapchat and someone uses LG in the chat, then LG mean on Snapchat is Large.

  • LG as Life’s Good:

When you are talking about the worldwide famous conglomerate and their electronics products and you receive LG in the message, then LG mean on Snapchat is “Life’s Good”. 

  • LG as Let’s Go:

When you are planning to go somewhere with your friends and you get LG in the group chat then LG mean on Snapchat is Let’s Go.

  • LG  as Luxury Goods:

When you are talking about shopping and goods and you get LG in the message, then LG mean on Snapchat is Luxury Goods.

  • LG as Last Game:

When you are playing an online game with your friends and your friends send LG in the message, then LG mean on Snapchat is Last Game.

A Few Examples Of How You Can Use LG On Snapchat 

Here are some examples that will help you to understand how LG is used on Snapchat and how to reply back to LG on Snapchat

LG as Little Girl:

  • A: You look gorgeous in the black outfit just like the LG.
  • B:  Thanks

LG as Large:

  • A: This is a LG bag we need a small one.
  • B: There is no small bag available.

LG as Life’s Good:

  • A: I purchased a new monitor  from LG with a rotating screen.
  • B: That was really needed.

LG as Let’s Go:

  • A: Hey, Shall we leave?
  • B: Yes, LG

LG  as Luxury Goods:

  • A: This shop looks nice, it sells LG.
  • B: Then we will do the next shopping from here.

LG as Last Game:

  • A: This is LG, I have to go out.
  • B: Okay, then we will play again tomorrow.

Is It Okay To Use LG On Snapchat?

Yes, it is okay to use LG on Snapchat. We have seen that LG has a lot of meanings and it can be used in different contexts and situations You can try using LG while you are chatting on Snapchat. LG is not limited to Snapchat only but you can use it on the other social media platforms as well which includes Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and Twitter.

Other Snapchat Acronyms And  Abbreviations You Should Know

What Does LG Mean On Snapchat?

Snapchat is known for its acronyms. Users on the Snapchat are using slang when chatting with each other. Here are some popular acronyms that are widely used in the snapchat.

  • BTS – BangTan Sonyeondan
  • ASF – AS F*ck
  • IMU – I Miss You
  • BBY – BaBY
  • CBA – Can’t Be Arsed
  • CC – Credit Card
  • CMS – Check My Status
  • S – Streak
  • GN Streak – Good Night Streak 
  • DTB –  Don’t Trust Boys / B*tches
  • DWS – Dealing With Sh*t
  • AMOSC – Add Me On Snapchat
  • FWY – F*cking With You
  • HRU – How Are You
  • CYA – See Ya
  • BML – Bling My Line
  • BP – Beautiful People
  • GS – Good Shot
  • JW – Just Wondering


No doubt there are a lot of acronyms in the real world that are used on the social media as well but it is not necessary that they will have the same meaning on the social media as well. They can have some other popular meaning on the social media that is not popular in the real world. It is good to check out all the meanings of the acronyms before using them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What Does LG Stand For?

LG mean on Snapchat is Little Girl. Mostly when someone is using LG on Snapchat, they are referring to the little girls.

Q2: When Should I Use The LG?

When you want to say little girl on the Snapchat, you can use LG acronyms for it. LG is also used to give compliments to adult women mostly when they dress like young girls.

Q3: What Does LG Mean On The Internet?

LG mean on Snapchat and internet is Little Girl. Apart from this meaning, LG also means  Large, Life’s Good, Let’s Go, Luxury Goods and Last Game.

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