How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask? A Detailed Guide!

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask

Do you want to make your BNB transaction through MetaMask but do not know how to add the Binance Smart Chain network to MetaMask? Well, In this article, let us see how to add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask.

The software cryptocurrency wallet, MetaMask is used to communicate with the Ethereum network. MetaMask transactions are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain and made available to the public. However, this does not mean that you must link it only to this blockchain. Additionally, you can link it up to the Binance Smart Chain network.

To Add Binance Smart Chain Metamask manually, Firstly, Go to MetaMask wallet, then Settings, Networks , Add network. Now, Choose mainnet or testnet and Enter parameters, after that Press save. Now, BNB is added to MetaMask.

Continue reading further to understand how to add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask and what steps are involved in it.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain Metamask?

To Add Binance Smart Chain Metamask Manually, Go to MetaMask wallet > Settings > Networks > Add network > Choose mainnet or testnet > Enter parameters > Press save > BNB added to MetaMask.

The first thing you will notice when you open MetaMask is that it is an Ethereum wallet that is linked to the Ethereum mainnet. But this won’t function with the Binance Smart Chain dApps and you risk losing your money if you transfer it to addresses that you can’t actually use. 

Hence, we need to link our MetaMask wallet to the Binance Smart Chain nodes. You may have looked into Binance Smart Chain on other cryptocurrency wallets, but if you want to move to MetaMask, you will first need to download the software and set up your account. You can add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask either automatically or manually.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain Metamask Manually?

Step 1: The first step is to access the MetaMask wallet, if you don’t have a wallet is to download and install the MetaMask Chrome extension.

Step 2: The platform will ask you if you’re new to the wallet after installation. If you are using MetaMask for the first time, respond to the question and click “Create Wallet” to proceed. Make your password, and then make a note of your backup phrase. Verify your key is accurate before clicking the “Confirm” button.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - create wallet

Step 3: Select “Import Wallet” if you only want to retrieve your secret phrase. Once the verification is finished, your account will be activated.

Step 4: To change the default Ethereum network, from the dropdown menu, choose “Settings”

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - settings

Step 5: Find the “Networks” option on the Settings page.

Also Read: How To Add Matic Network To MetaMask? Get Discount On Gas Fees!

Step 6: Click “Add Network” to manually add the blockchain. Now you have a choice between Mainnet and Testnet.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - add network

Step 7: You require certain parameters in order to use Mainnet:

Name of the network: Smart Chain

New URL: copy one from this page

Symbol: BNB

Chain ID: 56

Block URL:

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask -  mainnet

Step 8: You require the following parameters to use Testnet

Name of the network: Smart Chain – Testnet

New URL: copy one from this page.

Symbol: BNB

Chain ID: 97

Block URL:

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - testnet

Step 9: Paste the desired information into the appropriate boxes after copying it.

Step 10: Finally press “Save,” 

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - save

Step 11: Your “Networks” tab should now include the Binance Smart Chain network. The BNB symbol should now be present in the wallet’s “Assets” section as well.

With these steps, you can add Binance Smart chain MetaMask and you can start transferring funds.

Also Read: How To Import Trust Wallet To MetaMask?

How To Add Binance Smart Chain Metamask Automatically?

Go to PancakeSwap > Join with MetaMask > Select network > Approve

Step 1: Visit a dApp like PancakeSwap on the Binance Smart Chain.

Step 2: Join that dApp with your MetaMask wallet.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - connect to pancakeswap

Step 3: In order to add the BSC network to your wallet, it will need your consent. 

Step 4: Your MetaMask wallet will be connected to the Binance Smart Chain network once you have clicked “Approve” and “Select network”.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - approve network

With these quick steps, you can add Binance Smart chain MetaMask.

Also Read: How To Change A MetaMask Password | Easy Steps To Follow!

How To Transfer BNB To Your MetaMask Wallet Using Mainnet?

Go to exchange > Withdraw cryptocurrency > Copy wallet address > Select currency > Paste wallet address > Choose network > Enter transfer amount > Submit > BNB amount added to the wallet

You can transfer funds after you add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask. Follow the below steps to transfer the BNB amount to the wallet.

Step 1: Go to the exchange and select “Withdraw cryptocurrency.”

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - withdraw crypto

Step 2: Copy the MetaMask wallet address and select BNB as the currency. Clicking your account’s address will cause it to be copied to your clipboard.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - account address

Step 3: Paste the wallet address on theRecipient’s BNB address.

Step 4: Now, Binance ought to choose the network to which you’ll send your BNB on its own. For instance, BEP-20 is one of the most popular choices.

Step 5: Enter the desired transfer amount.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - enter amount

Step 6: Press the “Submit” key. The platform will inquire as to whether you want to move forward with the transactions. This serves as a reminder that if you don’t pick the right network, you’ll lose your possessions.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - submit

Step 7: The BNB amount should be added to the wallet once the transaction finishes.

Also Read: How To Add Cronos To MetaMask? Learn The Easy Steps!

How To Transfer BNB To Your MetaMask Wallet Using Testnet?

Click Account1 > Address copied > Paste address in appropriate field > Select amount > Click Give BNB > Amount appeared in wallet

Step 1: After connecting to the Testnet, click the “Account 1” button by hovering over it. The address will be copied to the clipboard on your computer.

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - testnet address

Step 2: Visit this website, then paste the address into the appropriate field.

Step 3: Select the amount of BNB you want to receive by clicking the “Give BNB” prompt. 

How To Add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask - paste address

Step 4: The money will appear in your wallet in a few minutes.

What Is Binance Smart Chain RPC URL?

Network: The Binance Smart Chain network

ChainID: 56 

Symbol: BNB


Also Read: How To Connect MetaMask To OpenSea | Get It Connected Today!

Wrapping Up

By connecting the Binance Smart Chain network to MetaMask, you can make BNB transactions through MetaMask and also BNB can be exchanged on decentralized exchanges for other tokens. We hope this article has explained to you how to add Binance Smart Chain MetaMask. For more such informational and interesting articles, check out our website at Deasilex.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is Bep20 Same As Bsc?

Ans. The Binance Chain, the original blockchain of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, is used in conjunction or parallel with the BSC. Similar to how ERC20 is used to create tokens on Ethereum, BEP20 is essentially a token standard used to create tokens on BSC.

Q2. Do You Need A Binance Chain Wallet To Link Binance Smart Chain To Metamask?

Ans. Not necessary. A wallet with direct access to the Binance Smart Chain is called Metamask. Therefore, having a Binance Chain wallet is not required.

Q3. What Are The Advantages Of Connecting To Binance Smart Chain With Metamask?

Ans. You should link your MetaMask wallet to the Binance Smart Chain network for a number of reasons. The link enables you to access and investigate DApps on this network. Then, it becomes much easier to transfer BNB, ETH, and other currencies to your wallet. Also, you can confidently manage your assets on Binance Smart Chain thanks to MetaMask, a secure wallet with encrypted user data.

Q4. How Can I Get Bep20 Bsc Address?

Ans. When you create a new wallet, the Smart Chain wallet will automatically be enabled. Try searching for “Smart Chain” to see if you can find it if you haven’t already. To obtain your BEP20 address, open your Smart Chain wallet and tap on Receive.

Q5. How Much Are Bnb Fees On Metamask?

Ans. Gas fees range from 0.0007 to 0.0010 BNB depending on the transaction, however, some transactions, such as claiming experience, may be more expensive due to the complexity of the numerical data. The quoted price for combat gas is 0.0025, however, the player may only pay up to that amount.

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