How To Change Email In Xbox Account | Easy Steps To Follow!!

How To Change Email In Xbox Account

If we talk about emails, then there are many users who have at least one email address, isn’t it? So, it is not really surprising that most gamers have a dedicated email address for gaming because email is required so that you can use online functions like Xbox live. But many of us do want to change the email in our Xbox account for various reasons. Here we will discuss how to change email in Xbox account.

There may be times when we do want to change our primary email address and at times, we may need to remove the old email and replace it with the one that we often use. But there is a way by which you can change the email address that is linked with your Xbox one. But one thing that you have to remember is that you need to replace it with another Microsoft email address like Hotmail or Outlook.

You do want to change the email address but do you know how to change email in Xbox account? Well, if you don’t know how to change then you have come to the right place. Here we will discuss how with a few easy steps you can change the email address. Log in to your Microsoft account > your info > manage how you sign in to Microsoft > remove.

Don’t worry, we have mentioned all the steps below in full detail. All you have to do is scroll down a bit and then read all the steps that we have mentioned.

How To Change Email In Xbox Account?

How To Change Email In Xbox Account

If you want to change the old email address on your Xbox live account, then you have to change the details that are present on your Microsoft account. But these two services are connected and the Xbox actually does not have any dedicated website of its own. So, if you want to know how to change email in Xbox account then, here are a few steps that you need to follow:

  1. First, log in to your Microsoft account.
  2. Now, click on your info link which you will find at the top of the page.
  3. Now, you have to scroll down the page and come down to the account info section. Click on the edit account info link present at the top of the page.
  4. Now, you will get to see the manage how you sign in to the Microsoft page. Tap on the add email option present in the account alias section.
  5. Just type on the new email address and then hit the add alias.
  6. Follow the instruction that you see to verify the address that you have just entered.
  7. Tap on the make primary option, so that you can make the new email address the primary one for your Xbox account.
  8. Now, if you want then you will be able to delete the old email if it is not the primary email. Select which alias you want to delete and then hit the remove option.
  9. Choose the conform option so that you complete the deletion process.
  10. You will now be able to sign in to your Xbox account with the new email address.

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How To Find Or View The Xbox Account Email With Xbox 360?

How To Find Or View The Xbox Account Email With Xbox 360?

Now, that we know How To Change Email In Xbox Account, let us know how to find or view Xbox account email. If you want to find or view the Xbox account with Xbox 360, then here are a few steps that you need to follow:

  1. With the Xbox console, you will be able to find the email address simply by highlighting the gamer tag or the gamer ID. If you are not able to see the email then proceed to step 2.
  2. If the email is not visible then there is a possibility that you have edited the settings to hide this information. Simply open the guide by clicking on the Xbox button.
  3. Select the profile option followed by settings.
  4. Now, choose the account option.
  5. Scroll down to your information section and then select the account security option.
  6. Now, you will get to see the registered email on the right-hand side of the screen.

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How To Find Or View The Xbox Account Email With Xbox One S/X?

How To Find Or View The Xbox Account Email With Xbox One S/X?

If you want to find or view the Xbox account email with your Xbox one S/X, then you gotta follow these few steps that we have mentioned below.

  1. If you want to open the guide, then you have to click on the Xbox button.
  2. Choose the settings option and then go ahead and click on the account option.
  3. Now, you have to select the option that says sign in, security and passkey.
  4. You now have to enter the passkey if it is applicable with the numerical pad on the right-hand side of the screen.
  5. Choose to change my sign-in and security preferences.
  6. You will get to see the email under the show on the home option which is present in the middle column on your screen. You will need this to log in or change the password.

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Wrapping Up:

So, after reading this post you do know how to change email in Xbox account. The steps are very easy to follow. So, go ahead and change your email in Xbox account if you want to. If you have any questions then you can reach us in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How To Replace A Lost Xbox Email Address?

If you have lost your Xbox email or you have forgotten the password that you used to sign in then changing the old one will be a bit different. Xbox support will not be able to help you change the address it is you who have to try to get into the account.

Q. How To Check The Alternate Email Accounts To Find The Main Xbox Email?

If you have used an alternate email as your additional alias or if you have a second one for confirming the email and checking the old messages. However, any email that includes the Microsoft billing or Xbox live information can have your primary Xbox email address.

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