Do you want to know the complete process of how to fix phone rings once and goes to voicemail? If so, then this is the most perfect option for you, and you need to follow this article till the end.
Sometimes you might face different issues with your devices, and issues with your phone might be one of those. So, you need to make sure that you are going to know all the solutions as well. Voicemail is one of the important factors, and you need that to get urgent messages. Still, you need to know the solution to fix phone rings once and goes to voicemail.
To fix phone rings once and goes to voicemail, you need to follow a few steps, and those are the following. Check mute settings with the volume > check do not disturb mode >check unknown callers > check call forwarding >check the block list > reinsert the sim > restart the device > contact the provider > contact device support team.
Along with these, you need to know all the details, and explanations of these steps as well. Once, you get to know those, then, the complete process becomes easier for you to fix phone rings once and goes to voicemail
How To Fix Phone Rings Once And Goes To Voicemail On iPhone?
Check mute settings with the volume first. Then, check do not disturb mode, and after that, check unknown callers. Now, check call forwarding and then, check the block list. After that, reinsert the sim and try to restart the device. Finally, contact the provider or the device support team.
Below are some steps, that you need to follow to solve this particular issue in iPhone.
Step 1: First, you need to check the mute and the volume settings of the phone, which might cause this issue. If so, then, you won’t get to know about the call, and that might go to voicemail. So, you need to make sure that the phone is not on mute, and that the volume is higher.

Step 2: Your iPhone might be in do not disturb mode as well, and if so, then it can automatically reject calls. With that, you can’t get a call. So, change that too.
Step 3: There might be different settings with the unknown callers, and check if the auto rejection is on or not. Then make sure that you change the settings.

Step 4: Sometimes, the call forwarding of your iPhone might also be there. So, you need to check that and turn that off. With that, you can solve this issue as well.
Step 5: Also, check the block list of your phone once, and then you can be sure if the issue is with that or not.
Step 6: Now, reinsert the sim once, and check, if the issue is with that or not.
Step 7: Then, you need to restart the device to try to solve this particular issue itself.
Step 8: Finally, you need to contact the support team, which might be the provider or the device.
Also Read: How To Fix Low iPhone Call Volume [2023]? 6 Definite Fixes!
How To Fix Phone Rings Once And Goes To Voicemail On Android?
These steps are almost the same for Android as well, still, you need to know those steps as well.
Step 1: You need to check the mute and the volume settings of the phone first. You need to make sure that the phone is not on mute, and that the volume is higher.
Step 2: Check the do not disturb mode, and make sure that it is turned off.
Step 3: Make sure that your device doesn’t reject unknown callers automatically.
Step 4: Then, check the call forwarding of your iPhone. You need to make sure that and turn that off.
Step 5: Also, check the block list of your phone once, and then you can be sure if the issue is with that or not.
Step 6: After that, reinsert the sim once, and check, if the issue is with that or not.
Step 7: Now, you need to restart the device to try to solve this particular issue itself.
Step 8: Finally, you need to contact the support team, which might be the provider or the device.
Also Read: How To Fix iPhone Not Ringing When Locked? The Guide Steps!
Is It Possible To Solve Phone Rings Once And Goes To Voicemail Issue On My Own?
Yes, you can easily solve this particular issue, and for that, you just need to follow a few steps. Once, you get to know those steps and all the other details, and factors associated with them, you can easily be able to solve this issue. For that, you just need to make sure that you understand all of those facts just so perfectly. Once done, you can get all those calls on your device. You don’t need to check your voicemail box in such cases all the time.
Wrapping Up
You have already got to know about the complete process of how to fix phone rings once and goes to voicemail. Also, you have got to know all the steps, details, factors, and explanations as well. So, you need to make sure that you know all of those perfectly, and then you try to solve the issue on your device.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why Does My Phone Stop Ringing After One Ring?
The most possible reason for this situation to happen is regarding blocking. If you are getting this issue, then the number calling you is blocked, and vice versa too. So, you need to know the steps to solve this issue.
2. What Are The Steps For How To Fix Phone Rings Once And Goes To Voicemail 2023?
If you want to know the steps of how to fix phone rings once and goes to voicemail, then you need to follow the below steps. Check mute settings with the volume > check do not disturb mode > check unknown callers > check call forwarding > check the block list > reinsert the sim > restart the device > contact the provider > contact device support team.
3. What To Do If Phone Goes Straight To Voicemail, Without Ringing?
If you want to stop this thing to happen, then you need to follow all the steps, and that is the only way to solve this issue. Once, you do all of those steps, the issue must be solved, and you can get the ringing on your device.