If I Liked Someones Tagged On Instagram Someone Will They Know?

If I Liked Someones Tagged On Instagram Someone Will They Know

Instagram is becoming paranoid about the user’s privacy and security. Users are getting warnings and notifications on Instagram for every single action! But, if I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know?

Well, when people ask “If I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know?”, it sounds a bit tricky! Why do you need to worry whether they are informed or not? If you do not want them to know, then why did you hit the like button? 

So, if you are curious to know “If I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know?”, the answer is Yes! They will surely know as Instagram will promptly send a notification to them! 

If someone is tagged on an Instagram post, they are likely to get notifications for every comment and likes received by the post. So, if you are wondering “If I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know?”, they will know! 

If I Liked Someones Tagged On Instagram Someone Will They Know?

If you have liked someone tagged on Instagram, they will know eventually. 

There is no drama behind this scene. Instagram is just being too cautious about the user’s exposure and their experiences on social media. Instagram is sending push notifications for every action taken on their platform to the related users. 

Hence, if you have liked someone’s post, then the content creator as well as all people who are tagged in that post or story will be notified by Instagram. 

Once you have tapped the ‘Like’ button, you can no longer revert your action. In other words, if you liked any post or Instagram story, notifications are automatically sent to them and you can not hide your trail even if you unlike the post again.  

What Happens If I Accidentally Like And Unlike Someone’s Tagged Photo On Instagram?

So, what actually happens when I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know? 

Well, if you are not using Aeroplane Mode or not being careful while swiping Instagram posts, and end up by liking a post that you are not supposed to, just ‘unlike’ it. 

The tagged people or the content creator will know that someone liked the post but, they can not find that you have unliked the post too, as Instagram never sends notifications for ‘unliking’ the picture. However, if you do not ‘unlike’ the photo immediately after liking the post, there is a fair chance that they can find out that you have liked the post! 

This is because Instagram shoots notifications like “This post got 1 like” or similar and never mentions “who” actually liked the post. Hence, if you do not wish to reveal your identity and want to correct your mistake, just ‘unlike’ the post as soon as you can. 

So, if you are lurking for the answer to the question – “If I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know?”, here are three possible circumstances that can appear: 

1. If They Follow You, They’ll Receive A Notification That You Liked Their Tagged Photo

People who are tagged in the Instagram post will be notified about the post interactions. If the tagged people are also following you on Instagram, then they can eventually identify you. How? 

For instance, if you liked the Instagram post quite a long ago and recently realized that it was a mistake and unlike the post, it does not mean that you have wiped your trail easily. If someone who is following you checks the post when you were reluctant to ‘unlike’ it, they can surely find out that you have interacted with the post. 

2. If They Don’t Follow You, The Person’s Picture You Liked Might Tell Them You Liked It

Now, if the scenario is that the tagged person on that Instagram post is not following you, or is unaware of your identity, then the other people who know you can reveal that you liked the post! 

Sounds complicated? In simple terms, if content creators find out about you like the post, they can reveal the secret to the tagged people, and you can do nothing about it! The truth will be spilled! 

So, if you are wondering “If I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know?”, yes, they will know it from various sources, even if you manage to unlike the post within short notice. 

3. They See Your Name In The Likes Of The Photo They’re Tagged In

The third scenario we are discussing is a pretty obvious one. If the tagged people on the post check the post before you ‘unlike’ it, and know you, then they can find your name among the ‘Liked ’persons and your identity will be revealed. 

How Will I Know If They Know I Liked Their Tagged Picture?

You can never know whether they know that you liked the post they are tagged in unless they share so! 

Yes, only if the tagged people let you know that they have found you like the picture, only then you can know. 

Now, whether you have liked the post intentionally or not, does not matter. You cannot revoke your action. So, try not to like random posts that appear on your Instagram feed.

On the other hand, if you do not want random people to like your Instagram posts, you can hide Instagram posts without blocking people


Now that you were looking answer to “If I liked someones tagged on Instagram someone will they know?”, the answer is yes. We have discussed how the tagged people on Instagram can reveal who liked their posts. It’s all about Instagram’s policy to alert the users of every action taken on their posts. This is a good practice to help the users feel more safe while using Instagram. Do you have more security concerns regarding Instagram? Share in the comments section. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How To Block Message Requests On Instagram?

To block message requests on Instagram, you should limit an account, obstruct an account, make your Instagram profile Private, and disable the story replies. 

Q2. How To Check If Someone Blocked You On Instagram?

There are multiple ways to find out whether someone blocked you on Instagram, such as that person will no longer be on your friend list, you can’t see their posts or stories, and you can’t send them a DM on Instagram. 

Q3. How To Block Instagram Tags In Your Account?

To block Instagram tags in your account, follow the steps: Instagram >> Profile >> Menu >> Settings >> Privacy >> Posts >> Allow tags from >> People you follow/No one.

Q4. If I Accidentally liked a Tagged Photo Of My Friend And Immediately Unliked It. Will He Know It? 

On Instagram, users receive notifications for both likes and unlikes on their tagged photos. So, if your friend has notifications turned on, they will most likely see a notification that you liked their photo, even if you quickly unliked it. However, the “unlike” notification will appear shortly after the “like” notification, and they might not notice it.

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