We use social media for free but have you wondered how the social media platforms earn? Acronyms like ESB are used by users to increase the revenue of social media. Do you know what ESB mean on Snapchat and how it contributes to the profit of Snapchat?
All social media platforms want you to increase the use of social media and for that, they have introduced different features. Snapchat has introduced a concept of streaks where you have to send and receive a Snap once in 24 hours to continue the streak. This way more and more users use Snapchat on a regular basis.
When someone is having a streak they have a fire emoji besides their name. This small emoji made the users mad and today everyone wants the streak to continue and never end.
What Does ESB Mean On Snapchat?
ESB mean on Snapchat is “Everyone Snap Back.”
If you have been using Snapchat for quite some time, then you will be familiar with the concept of Snapchat streak. ESB is used to maintain Snapchat Streaks with your friends.
ESB has some other meanings as well
- ESB – Empire Strikes Back
- ESB – Electricity Saving Box
- ESB – Enterprise Service Bus
- ESB – Electricity Supply Board
Origins Of ESB
The origin of the ESB is Snapchat itself. ESB was added to the Snapchat lingo recently after the popularity of Snapchat. Although, the other meanings of the ESB are not that much popular. The slang ESB was added to the urban dictionary in 2019.
How Is ESB Used On Snapchat?
Since ESB mean on Snapchat “Everyone Snap Back,” So, ESB is used as a caption on the Snaps so that when everyone receives the Snap, they will respond back with another snap. For this meaning of ESB, it is limited to Snapchat only. But for the other meanings of the ESB, it can be used on other social media platforms as well.
A Few Examples Of How You Can Use ESB In Snapchat
Here are a few examples that can help you to understand the ESB better.
- Hey ESB (Everyone Snap Back)
- Are you watching the ESB. (Empire Strikes Back)
- There is no electricity in the house. It seems there is an issue with the ESB. (Electricity Supply Board)
- I saved some bucks by installing the ESB at home. (Electricity Saving Box)
Is It Okay To Use ESB On Snapchat?
Yes, it’s completely okay to use the ESB on Snapchat.
ESB is very rarely used on other social media platforms. If you send and receive a snap from a user for 3 days back to back, then you enter into a streak with that person. You are then required to send at least a snap back and forth in 24 hours. If you failed to send the Snap for one day, it will break the streak. ESB is used to remind the other person to keep the streak alive.
Other Snapchat Abbreviations You Should Know
Apart from using the ESB acronym, there are a lot of other acronyms as well that you can try out and have fun while chatting.
- GMS- Good Morning Streak
- SMH – Shaking My Head
- ATP – Answer The Phone
- ONG – ON God
- GTS – Go To Sleep / Good Times
- MB – MayBe
- IMY – I Miss You
- HMU– Hit Me Up
Every social media platform is a billion dollar company. They hire professionals to keep the users engaged on their platform. We see just a new update or a new feature, but it is way more than that. In any social media platform, the longer you spend on it, the more money the company earns.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: Who Does ESB Stand For?
ESB mean on Snapchat is “Everyone Snap Back”. This is used as a gentle reminder for your friends with whom the streak is going on and saves the streak from ending. There are some other meanings of the ESB, but they are rarely used on the Snapchat.
Q2: When Should I Use ESB ?
You can use ESB when you want your streaks to remain alive with your friends. If you have failed to send a Snapback, and it’s near to 24 hours, then you can send them ESB.
Q3: What Does ESB Mean On Internet?
ESB mean on Snapchat and the internet is Everyone Snap Back. This acronym is used on the Snapchat. It has got other meanings as well which include Empire Strikes Back, Electricity Saving Box, Enterprise Service Bus, and Electricity Supply Board