What Does FPF Mean On Snapchat? 

What Does FPF Mean On Snapchat

Friends are a very important part of our lives. Spending time with friends is always the best time. When we post pictures with our friends, many of us use FPF in the captions. Do you know what FPF mean on Snapchat and why is it used only with friends?

Just like the acronyms BFF (Best friends forever), FPF is used in a similar context. It is also used to show your best friend or buddy on social media. Whenever we get together with friends, we post pictures on social media.

Verified Answer By Expert

FPF means “Favourite Person Friday”

Now that you know what FPF mean on Snapchat, you will know the value of FPF in our lives. We need someone with whom we share our feelings and experiences. FPF is very important in everyone’s life.

What Does FPF Mean On Snapchat?

FPF is a Snapchat slang that is used to describe your Favourite person. FPF mean on Snapchat is “Favourite Person Friday”. When we post a picture with our favourite person, we can use the caption FPF on it.

FPF has got other meanings as well.

  • FPF – Fraud Protection Feature
  • FPF – Force Package File
  • FPF – Focus Passion Finish
  • FPF – Fat People Friendly

Origins of FPF  

FPF is used on the Snapchat and other social media platforms. FPF mean on Snapchat is Favorite Person Friday. For this meaning of FPF, it is mostly used on social media. FPF was recently added to the urban dictionary in 2017. It has originated from the social media platforms itself.

How Is FPF Used on Snapchat?

FPF has got different meanings. Depending upon the situation in which it is used, FPF meaning will keep on changing. When someone is talking about their favorite person, then FPF mean on Snapchat is favorite person Friday. If a fat person is using FPF, then it means Fat people friendly. If someone is discussing success, then FPF is focus passion finish.

A Few Examples Of How You Can Use FPF In Snapchat 

As FPF has different meanings, then it can be used in different situations based on its meaning. Here are some examples of the FPF.

  1. She is my FPF. (Favorite Person Friday).
  2. This chair is not FPF. ( Fat People Friendly)
  3. The success is not easy, you need FPF for it. (Focus Passion Finish)
  4. Install the FPF on the system. (Force Package file).

Is It Okay To Use FPF On Snapchat?

Yes, it is okay to use FPF on the Snapchat and internet.

It looks cool to use the FPF caption on the snaps and stories. You can use FPF in different situations but most of the users only know its one meaning which is Favourite Person Friday.

Other Snapchat  Abbreviations And Acryonms You Should Know

There are different Snapchat acronyms that are popularly used on the Snapchat and other social media platforms.

  • CBF – Can’t Be F*cked
  • GTS – Go To Sleep / Good Times
  • MB – MayBe
  • IMY – I Miss You
  • HMU: Hit Me Up
  • ONG – On God
  • FL – First Love
  • FCE – Favourite Couple Ever
  • ESB – Everyone Snap Back


Undoubtedly, social media has brought people closer, but it has limited face-to-face meetings between people. It is always a good experience to meet your FPF and have a conversation with him or her. Life is short, and we should learn to enjoy it in every situation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: Who Does FPF Stand For?

FPF mean on Snapchat is Favourite Person Friday. It is used as a caption on the snaps when you post a picture with your favourite person.

Q2: When Should I Use FPF?

Based on its meanings, FPF can be used in different situations. It is mostly used as Favorite Person Friday. Whenever we have to tell someone about our favorite person, we can use FPF in such a place.

Q3: What Does FPF Mean On Internet?

FPF mean on Snapchat and the internet is Favorite Person Friday. It has got other meanings as well, which includes Fraud Protection Feature, Force Package File, Focus Passion Finish, and Fat People Friendly

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