What Does TCT Mean On Snapchat?

What Does TCT Mean On Snapchat

Won’t you like to go with the trend by using #TCT on Snapchat or are you hesitant to use it because you don’t know what TCT mean on Snapchat? Whatever the case is, TCT is the latest trend that is used to share the pictures or videos of your crush with the hashtag TCT and disclose them to your fellow Snapchatters!

Snapchat is a well-known platform for its cool and trendy hashtags! One of the latest ones is hashtag TCT (#TCT). This Gen Z trend is used to show care and concern towards your crush. If you have a strong crush on someone, you can share their photo on your Snapchat Story with #TCT on Tuesday, but before that, learn what TCT mean on Snapchat.

TCT means “Total Crush Tuesday” on Snapchat.

TCT is a fun way of connecting with your crush on Snapchat. It is time to finally let them or your Snap friends know who is your current crush. So, explore what TCT mean on Snapchat and how you can use it to look cool on Snapchat!

What Does TCT Mean On Snapchat?

TCT meaning on Snapchat is Total Crush Tuesday. TCT mean on Snapchat is used as a part of the latest trend as #TCT. It is used as a way of disclosing your latest crush to your friends or followers on Snapchat. TCT is a day when Snapchatters post pictures or videos either on their Snapchat Stories or share snaps of their crush with the hashtag TCT. 

It is used as a great way to connect with other Snapchat users who are also crushing on someone. Though it is the common interpretation of TCT, there are a few other things TCT mean on Snapchat. Here are the other interesting interpretations of TCT.

  • TCT for Total Crush Tuesday
  • TCT for Teen Crush Thursday
  • TCT for Trash Can Trolls
  • TCT for The Celebrity Truth
  • TCT for To Challenge Tomorrow
  • TCT for Twins Crush Tuesday
  • TCT for Turtle Crush Tuesday.

Origin Of TCT

Like many other Snapchat slang, TCT originated as a social media trend after the 2010s. It was in 2013 when the first definition of TCT was added to the popular Urban Dictionary. Since then, TCT mean on Snapchat was started as a trend by users for Total Crush Tuesday where users started posting pictures of their crush and sharing with the hashtag TCT. This trend later on became quite popular on other platforms too. Since then, it has also been followed on other social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and others.

How Is TCT Used On Snapchat?

Now that we have successfully decoded what TCT mean on Snapchat, it is time to join the trend and use TCT on Snapchat. You can use TCT in your informal conversations, Snapchat Stories, or in your Snapchat Snapstreaks. Nevertheless, this trending slang is a great way to express your feelings to someone you like. Users can choose and post a picture of their crush along with the hashtag TCT (#TCT) and add it to their Snapchat Story on Tuesday.

Users can even send a snap to their crush directly or to their friends with a good picture or video of their crush along with adding the hashtag TCT. It is a great way to express your feelings and love in front of the world or just in front of your crush through social media as once they open your snap, they will find out you have a crush on them. 

TCT can even be used in your informal conversations with your Snapchat buddies. You can drop them a message with TCT or with the hashtag TCT. TCT as a slang or hashtag can be used on Snapchat to look cool and trendy. So, you can also try using this slang on Snapchat or any of your preferred social media platforms.

A Few Examples Of How You Can Use TCT On Snapchat

Example 1: 

User 1: Hey, what’s this #TCT with Rochelle’s picture on your Snap Story?

User 2: Oh, that’s Total Crush Tuesday, I have a crush on Rochelle!

User 1: What, really! 

User 2: Yes, OFC!

(Here, OFC is used for Of Course).

Example 2:

User 1: Hey, what’s up?

User 2: NTH serious, just wanted you to know that I snapped Joe’s pic with #TCT!

User 1: Oh, nice!

User 2: Did anyone reply?

User 1: Not yet!

(Here, NTH means Nothing).

Is It Okay To Use TCT On Snapchat?

Yes, it is completely okay to use TCT on Snapchat. When digging deeper into what TCT mean on Snapchat, we have discovered that TCT is a harmless slang and a fun way to express your emotions. Moreover, there is no abusive or negative connotation of this hashtag or slang that can hurt others or offend them. So, we don’t find any reason for not using this hashtag or slang in your informal conversations. Hence, you can freely make use of this slang in your casual conversations or your Snapchat Stories, but don’t forget to understand in detail what TCT mean on Snapchat.

Some Of The Latest Snapchat Acronyms And Abbreviations You Should Know

Won’t you like to flex in front of your friends by using the latest slang in your conversations? But learning what TCT mean on Snapchat is not enough to do that. You need to make your Snap vocab stronger. So, here is the list of the most common slang that you can also learn and use on Snapchat.

  1. TBT – Throw Back Thursday
  2. TD – True Dat
  3. SNM – Say No More
  4. OMS – Oh My Science
  5. LPC – Looks Personality Closeness
  6. STR – Short Term Relationships
  7. SMS – Send Me Snap on Snapchat
  8. STS – Smirk To Self
  9. STM – Short Term Memory or Smiling To Myself
  10. STG – Swear To God
  11. STFU – Shut The F*ck Up
  12. STE – Sent To Everyone
  13. STA – Send To All or Second Time Around
  14. SRO – Standing Room Alone

Wrapping Up

Snapchat is a perfect platform to openly express your feelings. Snapchat’s unique language, popularly known as Snapchat Lingo has a number of cool slang that can aptly help you show your love to others and let the world know whom you are crushing on at the moment. TCT is also one of the popular slang used by many Snapchat users. Now that you know what TCT mean on Snapchat, why miss a chance to impress your crush when you have so many cool ways to impress them? Hurry up and share a Snapchat Story with the hashtag TCT and tag your crush right now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Does TCT Stand For In Construction?

A. Though the most common definition of TCT is Total Crush Tuesday, TCT stands for Total Coated Thickness in Construction.

Q2. What Is TCT Meaning In Business?

A. TCT in business means Transaction Cost Theory.

Q3. What Does TCT Stand For In Time?

A. TCT in time stands for Total Cycle Time.

Q4. What Is TCT Full Form In Job?

A. TCT’s full form in the job is Technical Career Track or Total Compensation Target. While TCT meaning salary is the Total Cost To the Company. 

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