How To Improve Wi-Fi Speed? 7 Methods To Try Out!

How To Improve Wi-Fi Speed? 7 Methods To Try Out!

Wi-Fi speed we don’t think much about it isn’t it until the time comes when you are watching a movie and it crashes. Or the files don’t get uploaded to the cloud or the web browser that keeps loading the page. Awwwhhhh, that’s really bad huh. So, you must be wondering how to improve Wi-Fi speed? Isn’t it?

Well, with so many millions of people using wireless devices connecting to Wi-Fi all over the world it won’t be a surprise for us to know how we can improve Wi-Fi speed to get better experiences with entertainment streaming. Moreover, when the internet speed is improved, we can even upload and download large files and play wireless gaming.

New innovations like the latest giant leap to Wi-Fi 6 technology will make today’s Wi-Fi around three times faster than the earlier generations. Since the speed of Wi-Fi is related to the internet connection range there are many ways by which you can easily know how to improve Wi-Fi speed.

So, I guess we all are eager to know what steps and methods we can use to improve the Wi-Fi speed. Here are a few ways by which you can do so. Let’s take a look at it.

How To Improve Wi-Fi Speed?

To know how to improve Wi-Fi speed you need to read below to know about it. Below we have mentioned a few fixes that will help you out.

1.    Restart Your Modem

How To Improve Wi-Fi Speed? 7 Methods To Try Out!

Let’s get to know How To Improve Wi-Fi Speed. First, you need to unplug your modem or the wireless gateway. Then, you have to wait for 30 seconds and then you can plug it back in again. In this way, you will clear out any glitches from the modem. Your modem will translate the internet signals between your phone network and your internet provider. If you think that it is your internet that is causing issues then the power cycle can be a good place to start your troubleshooting since it fixes the connection issues most of the time.

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2.    Restart Your Router

Now, you need to again repeat the same process if you have a standalone router. Just like in your router, the power cycle will clear your router’s memory and will give it a fresh start on the things that were blocking it earlier.

Now, just turn off your Wi-Fi on all the wireless devices. Wait for a couple of seconds and then switch on the Wi-Fi again. Allow the wireless devices to reconnect again and check if there is any improvement in your connection or not.

3.    Shift Your Router To A Better Location

Shift Your Router To A Better Location

Wi-Fi can travel only a l’il bit far and the signals will get interrupted or will get blocked by the walls, ceilings, floors, appliances, etc. These signals will also get interrupted by the radio waves from the other devices which will include your cordless phones, microwaves, Bluetooth speakers, etc.

So, if you put your router at the edge of the home’s space you may get issues with the Wi-Fi at the other end. So, what is the best pled to keep your router? Well, the best will be to keep your router in the central or in an elevated place where you use the internet the most. Avoid keeping your router in a basement or in a closet as this may cause connectivity issues.

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4.    Switch Your Wi-Fi Frequency Band

Switch Your Wi-Fi Frequency Band

The modern routers work mostly on two radio frequency bands namely 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The band that you use for the connection will affect your speeds along with the quality of the connection at different places from your router.

Whatever frequency band you are on, may face some kind of temporary interference, so it is better that you try to switch to another band. This will show up as a different Wi-Fi network on your device that usually comes up with a label in the network name that will identify the network either as 2.4 GHz or 5GHz.

5.    Adjust Your Router’s Antennas

Adjust Your Router's Antennas

There are routers and wireless gateways that have internal antennas, which means that the antennas are mounted inside the device and you will not be able to adjust them. If this is the case for you then you can skip this step.

But if you do have an adjustable antenna on your router then you can try to reconfigure them. The router antennas are omnidirectional. This means that they send out signals in all direction that is perpendicular to the antenna. For instance, a vertical antenna will send out the Wi-Fi signals horizontally and vice versa.

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6.    Upgrade To A Faster Internet

Though these tricks should work for you at times your internet connection is just very slow to sustain the internet connection. If this is the case then you will have to upgrade to a faster internet plan so that you get better speeds.

7.    Remove Unnecessary Connections

How To Improve Wi-Fi Speed? 7 Methods To Try Out!

If you have low bandwidth you should try to disconnect all the devices that are not used. Everything that is connected to your network has to be important.

The easiest and fastest way by which you can disconnect the unnecessary devices is by changing the Wi-Fi passwords and then rebooting your router. Then, you have to again log in with the new password on every device that is currently connected with it.

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Wrapping Up:

Hopefully, now you have received the answer to your question on how to improve Wi-Fi speed. You can try out these steps and your internet speed will surely improve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will The Speed Test Determine Your Internet Speed?

If you want to check how fast your internet and Wi-Fi connections are then you can try to take the online speed test with your computer that is connected to your phone network.

Q. Will Contacting The Internet Service Providers Help You?

Yes, if you see that none of the methods work for you then you can try to contact your internet service provider and ask them for help. The ISP will help you to solve your Wi-Fi performance issues or they might even send a technician to check your Wi-Fi signal strength.

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