How To Make Your Tweets Public | An Easy Guide!

make your tweets public

Do you want your tweets to reach out to all users? Do you wish to make trending tweets? You can do so if you make your tweets public.

Twitter is one of the leading social networking platforms with over 486 million active users as of July 2022. It is one of the most active social media platforms available today. Your reach in Twitter is as big as the app itself, if you make your tweets public.

If you make your tweets public, it will be accessible not only to your followers, but for all Twitter users. If your public tweets trend and attract traffic, it could end up in other third-party platforms and even in Google. So, if you wish your tweets to have a wider reach, then it is advisable to make your tweets public.

Open Twitter app > Login > Profile icon > Settings & Privacy > Privacy & Safety > Audience & tagging > Toggle off.

In this article we will guide you step by step on how to make your tweets public. All you have to do is make some changes in your Twitter accounts’ Setting & Privacy.

How To Make Your Tweets Public?

Your Twitter account is set by default to make your tweets public. If you are new to Twitter, you need not make any changes to your Settings. However, if you had previously changed to default settings to make your tweets private, and wish to change them back to public, this article is just for you.

We have organized a complete guide for you to make your tweets public. Let us see step by step on how to make your tweets public.

Open Twitter app > Login > Profile icon > Settings & Privacy > Privacy & Safety > Audience & tagging > Toggle off.

Step 1 – Open the Twitter app.

Step 2 – Login your Profile, if you are not already logged in.

Step 3 – Click on your Profile picture in the top-left corner.

make your tweets public - click on profile

Step 4 – Select Settings and privacy.

make your tweets public - settings

Step 5 – Now, select Privacy and Safety.

make your tweets public- privacy

Step 6 – Click on Audience and Tagging.

make your tweets public - audience and tagging

Step 7 – Click the toggle to turn off Protect your Tweets.

make your tweets public - off

You can follow the above steps to make your previously private Twitter account public.

Related : How To Get Verified On Twitter App | All Do’s And Don’ts

Why Make Your Tweets Public?

When you make your tweets public, you have a wider reach and larger audience. Your posts will reach many places that you might not even imagine. Your tweets could be displayed under the currently trending topics. Your followers will be able to retweet your tweet to their followers.

When you make your tweets public all your tweets will be accessible to all users. Remember that all your tweets include the tweets that you shared when your twitter account was private. So, make sure that you delete any post that might contain personal or explicit content, which you do not want the world to see.

·   You will have a larger audience for your tweets.

·   Your tweets could be in the trending topics.

·   Your followers will be able to retweet your tweets.

·   Your Twitter account could be tagged by friends and followers.

·   Your tweets could show up in other third-party apps and social platforms.

 If you are using your Twitter account to reach out to people or determine target audience, you should make your tweets public for the best results.

Why Make Your Tweets Private?

Privacy is the main concern when you participate in social networking. It is understandable if you initially decided to make your tweets private due to security reasons. If you are using twitter for personal reasons and do not wish to engage in worldly affairs, then you can make your tweets private.

However, you will not be able to enjoy many of the opportunities that are available when you make your tweets public. If you want to send only private tweets, know the following.

·   Your private tweets will be visible only to your followers.

·   Your followers will not be able to retweet your posts.

·   You will have to manually approve each new follower.

·   Yor tweets will never trend.

·   Your Twitter account will not be accessible for tagging.

How To Make Your Tweets Private?

If you still wish to send private tweets due to security concerns, and do not want to make your tweets public, you can make changes to the default Twitter settings as follows.

Step 1 – Open the Twitter app.

Step 2 – Login your Profile, if you are not already logged in.

Step 3 – Click on your Profile picture in the top-left corner.

Step 4 – Select Settings and privacy.

Step 5 – Now, select Privacy and Safety.

make your tweets public - privacy

Step 6 – Click on Audience and Tagging.

make your tweets public - audience

Step 7 – Click the toggle to turn on and Protect your Tweets.

make your tweets public - on

Remember that private tweets are visible only to your followers. It will not be visible for others. But remember that you should be cautious of any data that you post on social media.

Even though you may send only private tweets on Twitter, sometimes they end up in the public domain, causing security concerns. So be cautious of what you post. If you post any private or explicit content on twitter, thinking it is a private tweet visible only to your friends, we have a question for you. Can you trust all your friends?

Your followers might find illicit ways to steal your content and post it in other websites or apps. They could screen record or screenshot your post and share it in their Twitter account, thus make your tweets public. Various third-party apps are also available for people who go to extreme lengths to steal and share such personal content.

Related : How To Turn Off Recent Tweets On Twitter | Know The Right Way

Wrap Up

Twitter is a space created for users who want their voice to be heard all around the world. If you have the right content to post about and understand your target audience, you will be successfully able to make your tweets public and trend it worldwide. To have the best Twitter experience and utilize the platform to the maximum, it is essential to make your tweets public.

Frequently Asked Question

Q1 Why Are My Tweets Not Public?

If you make your tweets private, know that all tweets that were made when your account was previously public, are no longer visible in the public Twitter domain. Any one who is not your follower, will not be able to see your tweets. You should make your tweets public, if you want your tweets to be trending.

Q2 How Do I Change my Privacy Settings on Twitter?

Log in to your account on the web at Click the more icon. Select Settings and privacy from the drop-down menu. Go to your Privacy and safety settings.

How do you gain Twitter followers?

Q3 How to Increase your Twitter Followers?

  1. Share relevant and useful content.
  2. Post visual content.
  3. Tweet consistently.
  4. Interact with others.
  5. Promote your @name everywhere you can.
  6. Tap into your existing customer base.
  7. Run a followers campaign.

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