How to Turn Off Screen Reader On Apple TV | Get to Know the Easiest Steps!

How to turn off screen reader on Apple Tv

The screen reader is changing the meaning of the reading on the screen. Now there is no need to read text on the screen. With a click, the screen reader will start to read out the text on the screen. This service has changed reading habits and device handling. Now with one voice command, you can listen to music or call someone. This is all possible due to the screen reading. Many times screen readers become so irritating that you want to get rid of the screen reader. But you are unable to turn off the screen reader. This article will help you know how to turn off the screen reader on Apple TV

Many times the screen reader starts to create buzz around the ears. This causes irritation and you want to get rid of it. But you are not getting ways to turn off the screen reader on the Apple TV.  then you must try the steps mentioned below in the article to turn off the screen reader on the Apple TV.

Screen reading on Apple TV helps to control the TV without seeing the TV screen. It helps you to control the Apple TV without seeing the screen. You just have to move your finger on the Apple Siri remote and the screen reader will read out the things which are on the screen. A screen reader uses gesture, which means it will speak out selected items whatever is navigated through The Siri Remote. 

When you are getting irritated by the screen reader just try a few steps to turn it off the screen reader. The screen reader can be turned off from the setting of the Apple TV. Or using the Apple TV  Siri remote, you just try a few steps which are mentioned below and the screen reader will be turned off. Do Follow Deasilex.

How To Turn Off Screen Reader On Apple TV?

The screen reader is the voice-over feature of the Apple Tv. If you want to get rid of the screen reader try the steps mentioned.  

How To Turn Off Screen Reader On Apple TV Manually By Setting?

Want to know how To turn off screen reader on apple tv manually by setting, follow these simple steps:

Step: 1 First go to the setting.

Step: 2 Then go to accessibility.

Step 3: Turn off the voice-over.

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How To Turn Off Screen Reader On Apple TV By Siri?

To turn off screen reader on apple tv Siri follow these simple steps:

Apple TV comes with the Siri remote or the Apple TV remote. Apple TV 4k and Apple Tv HD remote have access to Siri voice command.

Step 1: Hold the Siri button on the Apple Tv remote 

Step 2: Then give a voice command ‘turn the voice-over off.

The screen reader service on the Apple TV will turn off.

How To Turn Off Screen Reader On AppleTV By Remote?

To turn off screen reader on apple tv follow these simple steps.

On the Apple TV remote

Step 1:  Press the menu or back button three times.

It will turn off the screen reader service on the Apple TV 4K or HD. 

Also Read: iPhone as Remote for Apple TV Works Wonders

How To Turn Off Screen Reader On 3rd Generation Apple TV?

To turn off Screen reader on the 3rd generation  Apple TV press the menu button repeatedly till you hear a loud ‘stop’ sound. Then press the down button.

Now press the right button continuously until you hear a stop sound. It will notify you that you have selected the setting menu.

Now press the select button two times. Again click the right button continuously till the sound of ‘stop’ comes. Now press the up button four times to highlight the accessibility. Now click on the select button twice which is the center of the arrow button on the Apple TV remote. This will turn off the screen reader service on the Apple TV.

As technology is updating day by day. A more complicated process is being used to control the devices. Screen reading has helped the user to control the device or read out whatever is on the screen. It has brought comfort to the reading as well as the controlling of the devices. But sometimes it becomes so tough for you to adapt to the technology and you want to get rid of it. 

This article will help you to turn off screen reader on Apple TV. if you have any queries you can mention them in the comment section. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is There Any Difference In The Process Of Turning Screen Reading In Apple TV 4K/HD And 3rd Generation? 

Yes, in Apple 4k/HD you can directly turn off the screen reading by just giving a voice command to Siri. Where is the 3rd generation it is missing? You have to do it through the Apple TV remote. 

Q. Can Screen Reading Be Turned Off By Siri Command?

Yes, you can turn off screen reading by Siri command in 4k And HD Apple TV. but not in 3rd generation Apple TV. to turn off screen reading in 3rd generation Apple TV you need to do it by Apple TV remote.

Q. Can Screen Reading Control Your Apple TV?

Yes, through screen reading you can hear whatever is on the screen. And you can give command to Siri remote to run some specific function.

Q. For Whom The Screen Reader Is Helpful?

Screen readers are helpful for deaf people. And those who want to do multitask. For instance, if a person is working and wants to give commands to their Apple TV he can just give commands to Siri. Apple TV will give commands through screen reading by voice-over.

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