How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Second | Know The Answer

How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per SecondHow Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Second

Do you know how many Tweets are sent out Per Second? If NO, don’t worry, we are here to give you this answer. In this article we will deal with how many Tweets are sent out per second, per minute, per hour and per day. So, let’s get Started.

Almost every other person uses Twitter these days, mainly for recent updates, news, entertainment and trending. With almost 145 million daily users, Twitter is one of the top ranking platforms. Since its launch in 2006, a total of 1.3 billion accounts have been created till now. Ever since then Twitter has some impressive meaning a large volume of Tweets are being sent out every day,

As of September 2022, on average, 6000 Tweets are Sent Out Per Second, 602000 Tweets are sent out Every Minute, 36 million Tweets per Hour, 867 million Tweets per Day, 26 billion per Month and 361 billion Tweets are sent out per Year.

Did you know it took 3 years, 2 months and 1 day to go from the first Tweet to the billionth.

How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Second?

Do you know that on average 6000 Tweets are sent out Per Second. What a large number of Tweets! Right! And given how many Tweets are sent out each day, it’s no surprise that Twitter has grown to be one of the most well-liked social networking networks.

It’s a fantastic method to stay in touch with friends and family as well as to stay informed on current affairs.

 Do you know which Tweet is the Most Liked Tweet ?

As of September 2022, the most-liked Tweet has over 7 million likes and was Tweeted from the account of American actor Chadwick Boseman, announcing his death from cancer.

How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Minute?

There are 6,02,000 Tweets sent out every minute on an average day. Well, that’s a lot of thoughts communicated with the world in only 280 characters! which makes it clear that Twitter is undoubtedly here to stay, despite some people’s concerns about the impact social media is having on our attention spans. Whether we like it or not, Twitter has ingrained itself into our daily lives.

Do you know which is the Most ReTweeted Tweet on Twitter?

As of 2022, the most ReTweeted Tweet is from a Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa offering cash prizes. This Tweet has 5.5 million ReTweets.

How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Hour?

On average, there are 36 million Tweets sent out per hour. The majority of Tweets are sent between 6am and 10pm, with the highest number of Tweets being sent at 9pm. However, a significant number of people use Twitter during the off-peak hours, indicating that people are using the service all day long and it’s only going to increase as more and more people join the Twitter community.

Guys, tell me one thing, do you know which is the Most Popular Emoji used in a Tweet on Twitter ?

This one 😂, Face with Tears of Joy Emoji is the Most Popular Emoji used in a Tweet on Twitter.

Also Read: How To Add Someone To Twitter Circle | Know The 2 Methods

How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Day?

Every day, Twitter users send out almost 867 million Tweets.This is an incredible amount of information being shared every single day.  It’s a great way to stay up-to-date on current events.This year after three Tweets in a single day, brands do start to notice high interaction.

OK if you are an active user on Twitter, answer me a question.

Who is the most followed person on Twitter?

Don’t know? Let me make it easy for you. Former US President, Barack Obama is the most followed person on Twitter with 133 Million followers followed by Justin Bieber and Katy Perry.

How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Month?

There are 26 billion Tweets sent out per month. With that amount, it’s very easy to get lost and not find the Tweets you liked. But Twitter has all sorted out. So, no need to worry!!! The growth rate of Twitter is increasing every day, let alone month. Some of you must use Twitter to stalk celebrities as well. 

Well in that case, do you know that the Most Influential Person on Twitter is Taylor Swift, followed by Indian PM Narendra Modi and Katy Perry.

How Many Tweets are Sent Out Per Year?

It is estimated that this year 361 billion Tweets will be sent out. Despite that much data,Twitter isn’t even the most widely used social networking site; it is Facebook, which receives more than 1 billion posts daily.

Then what makes Twitter so unique? To begin with, Twitter is renowned for its in-the-moment interaction. People swarm to Twitter to view the most recent developments and participate in the conversation during breaking news events or live broadcasts. As a result, Twitter has become a go-to source for journalists, famous people, and regular people.

What is the Limit of every Twitter User to Send Tweets Per Day?

 The Tweets limit for every Twitter user is 2,400 per day and limit for Max Characters per Tweet is 280. It was changed from 140 to 280 in 2017.

Type                                                                 Limit

  • No. Tweets                                               2400Per day
  • Max characters per Tweet                  280
  • Direct Messages                                       1000 Per Day
  • Following                                                       1819

Also Read: How To Remove Someone From Twitter Circle | The Easiest Way


All this data shows that Twitter is growing enormously. In this article, we provided you the answer for how many Tweets are sent out per second, per minute, per hour and per day.

Also, what is your limit to send Tweets per day? In case, there is a doubt or something else you want to ask. Ask us in the comment section. Keep Following Deasilex.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Many Tweets Are Generated Per Day?

Ans. Every day, Twitter users send out almost 867 million Tweets.

Q2. How Many Requests Per Second Does Twitter Get?

Ans. Twitter gets 70,000 requests per second.

Q3. How Long Is The Tweet Limit?

Ans. Well, the answer is 100 Tweets per hour. This includes ReTweets and links. If you exceed this limit, you will be in Twitter Jail for 1 to 2 hours.

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