Are you a new owner of Playstation VR and looking forward to the methods to set it up like a pro? Let us tell you that it is super easy to do so. All you have to do is go through the guide on how to set up PlayStation VR, given below.
The PlayStation VR is a virtual reality headset developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment, which was released in October 2016. It is fully functional with the PlayStation 4 and is forward compatible with the PlayStation 5 home video game console. It is still one of the best and favorite VR headsets available in the market.
We will go through the steps and procedure of how to set up PlayStation VR, and how to set up its camera and its headset. We will also guide you on how to wear glasses in Playstation VR. So, without losing time, let’s start.
How To Set Up PlayStation VR?
Here are the steps to be followed carefully on how to set up Playstation VR.
Step 1: Connect the processor unit to your TV with the HDMI supplied with your console. If your console is connected to your TV, unplug the HDMI from your console and plug it into the processor unit.
Step 2: Connect the PlayStation Camera to your PS4 (the PS5 console requires a PS Camera adaptor). The ideal height to place it is 1.4m (4’7″) from the floor.
Step 3: Plug the HDMI (1) into the back of the console and the processor unit. If you are using another HDMI, check its packaging to make sure it’s at least HDMI 1.4.
Step 4: Plug the USB cable (2) into the back of the processor unit and the front of your console. Connect the AC power cord to the adaptor cable (3) and plug it into the electricity supply.
Step 5: Slide the processor unit connection cover back and plug in the VR connection cable (4).
Step 6: Connect the VR headset (5) to the VR connection cable (4).
Step 7: Switch on your TV and power up your console via the DUALSHOCK 4 or DualSense wireless controller.
Step 8: Press the power button on the inline remote on the headset connection cable (5).
You may be prompted to update PlayStation VR Device Software at this stage. You’re now ready to begin configuration. Follow the on-screen instructions.
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How To Set Up PlayStation VR Camera?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up a PlayStation VR camera. Let’s go through the process together.
Step 1: Place the PS Camera about 1.4m (4’7″) high and about 2m (6′) away from where you will be sitting or standing.
Step 2: Your TV will show an image of what the PS Camera can see. Angle it to make sure it’s not picking up the surface it’s on.
Step 3: Position yourself where you will be playing VR, in the center of the screen while you’re holding your DUALSHOCK 4 or DualSense wireless controller, PlayStation Aim, or PS Move controllers. This is important to make sure the PS Camera can place controllers in the right spot in the VR environment.
Step 4: If you and the controllers were not in the center of the screen when you hit ‘Continue’ or if more than one person was in the Play Area, you may need to repeat step 3.
Step 5: If you’re still having problems adjusting the camera, this could be because the room lighting is too bright. To reconfigure the PS Camera:
- Go to Settings > Accessories > PlayStation VR > Adjust PS Camera.
- Go to Settings > Devices > PlayStation VR > Adjust PS Camera.
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How To Set Up PlayStation VR Headset?
Here is the easiest way to set up a PlayStation headset. Headsets are a very important part of Playstation VR. It is important to set it up correctly.
- Switch the headset on using the power button (J) on the underside of the headset scope.
- If you are using the stereo in-ear headphones, plug them into the stereo headphone jack (H) and connect the headphone attachment to the headphone attachment hole (I).
- Remove the plastic lens protectors before putting the headset on for the first time.
- Hold the headset by the top of the headband (A), press the headband release button (E), and pull the front section forward.
- Place the headset on your head and release the headband release button.
- Tighten the headband using the adjustment dial (D) just enough to stop movement, but not so far that it feels too tight.
- Adjust the scope position by carefully holding it around the edges and wiggling it until it’s comfortable and the image is as clear as possible.
- If you are using over-ear headphones with a headband, put them on (making sure that left and right go on the correct ears) and plug them into the stereo headphone jack (H). You can adjust the volume using the buttons (N & P) on the underside of the headset scope. Please note that Bluetooth earbuds and headphones are not compatible with PSVR — you must use wired earbuds or headphones.
- To remove the headset, press the headband release button (E) and re-extend the headband (A).
- Lift the headset by the headband.
You can also find these instructions on your console:
PS5 console
- Go to Settings > Accessories > PlayStation VR > Check How to Put On VR Headset.
- Go to Settings > Devices > PlayStation VR > Check How to Put On VR Headset.
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How To Wear Glasses With PS VR?
You can wear the VR headset over your glasses, but take care when adjusting the scope. Having your glasses touch the lens could result in damage to your glasses, VR headset lens, or both. Do not push in or pull out the scope excessively.
If you notice that PS VR environments are unclear or fuzzy while you’re wearing your glasses, try taking them off and readjusting the scope position before you start playing. Try playing with and without your glasses to find out what works best for you.
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Wrapping Up
It is really important to set up PlayStation VR correctly. If some error occurred, you will not have a good experience with VR games. It can also cause health issues if not set up correctly. If you face any difficulty in setting up or any other issue regarding the same, feel free to leave a comment below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Is The PS4 VR Worth Buying?
If you own a PlayStation 4 and want to make the most out of the gaming experience, you’d want to have this in your arsenal for playing high-end games. All in all, the PlayStation VR is an excellent jump-off point for Sony as they try to compete with other VR sets in the market today.
Q2. Is Oculus Better Than PlayStation VR?
The Oculus Quest is the clear winner here. The Quest’s built-in screen is capable of displaying 1,600 × 1,440 pixels per eye, compared with the PSVR 960 × 1080 pixels per eye. Put simply, this means that the image on the Quest screen will look sharper, clearer, and more realistic, producing a more immersive experience.
Q3. Do You Need PlayStation For Oculus?
The Oculus Quest 2 is a standalone console, whereas the PSVR is more of an extension to the PS4 with similar software. It requires a PS4 or a PS5 to work, and it needs to be connected to a console to work.