Top 6 Most Valuable NFT Projects: One Must Invest In

Most Valuable NFT Projects

NFTs are on fire this year. There are more and more companies that are jumping into the NFT game. Like, Twitter recently introduced the NFT profile picture feature and there is also word in the market that Instagram is soon going to open an Instagram NFT Marketplace. With all this news there is one question that always strikes the mind, what are the most valuable NFT projects that will give back huge returns in the future?

The advent of Web 3.0 has totally changed how people invest in NFTs. As we know sooner everything will be digitalized and we need to get the digital assets. These digital assets will be nothing but the NFTs. Like Mercedes is about to launch its NFT soon. So, NFTs will become a part of the status in the digital world.

We know that there are several companies that are stepping into the Metaverse and NFTs. But, it is also the fact that only a few are the best. We did research on various companies and finally came forward with a list.

Most Valuable NFT Projects

So, here we are with the list of the most valuable NFT projects that one must invest in. So, let’s not waste much of your time and start with the list. 

1. CryptoPunks

most valuable NFT projects

Trade Volume: $2.88 Billion

Average Per NFT Price: $288,000

Let us start with the list of the most valuable NFT projects with the one that gained a lot of popularity in recent times. The name of the NFT project is CryptoPunks and celebrities like Snoop Dogg and Jay Z have bought these NFTs that enhanced their value in the NFT Marketplaces.

CryptoPunks are the small pixel art frame characters that are generated using the algorithms. The pixel dimensions of the CryptoPunks generated via algorithm is 24 X 24 which is the 8-bit style avatar that is unique.

The Cryptopubks were first created in the year 2017 and as we said they are unique pieces of digital art. So, they were among the first NFTs that were sold on the Ethereum Blockchain. In the beginning, these characters were sold for $1- $ 34. But, now even one CryptoPunk carries the value of a million dollars.

There were a total of 10,000 CryptoPunks created, 9,000 of which were sold, and 1,000 were kept by the developers. This strategy made the developers millionaires. 

Also Read, How To Buy CryptoPunks In Four Simple Steps: A Guide For Beginners

2. Bored Ape Yacht Club

most valuable NFT projects

Trade Volume: $1.05 Billion

Average Per NFT Price: $104,400

Moving to the next name in the list of the most valuable NFT Projects we have the Bored Ape. These can also be categorized in the list of NFTs like CryptoPunks

Bored Ape Yacht Club was launched in April 2021 by developer Yuga Labs. The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 ape avatars having bored expressions. Initially, NFTs vouchers were provided to the users but the project didn’t get much attention and remained unsold. But once the art was launched and users saw NFT art, the project sold out quickly.

All 10,000 avatars were sold out for around $190 in just 12 hours. Then prices grew steadily from April to July which then escalated in August. Today each avatar is worth millions.

The first celebrity who purchased a Bored Ape NFT and used it as Twitter DP was Eminem or Marshall Mathers (actual name). This rap icon purchased Bored Ape for $462,000. Then other celebrities joined him and started to purchase Bored Ape NFTs. Among them are Stephen Curry, Jimmy Fallon, and more others. This trend made Bored Apes so famous.

Also Read, How To Buy Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT? A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners

3. Decentraland’s Collection Of Wearables

most valuable NFT projects

Trade Volume: $904 Million

Average Per NFT Price: $9,300

We know that the Internet is evolving at a very rapid rate. Soon, we are going to enter the Metaverse era. It will be an era in which the people will control their avatars in the virtual world and interact with other people through these Avatars.

Well, Decenntraland is one of the most famous virtual worlds. People are buying properties worth millions on the Decentraland platform and building their empire. If you are a Decentraland fan then you must know that when you join the game you are given an Avatar. 

Although your Avatar will be provided with the pre-loaded clothes that you can use to play games in Decentraland. But, you can also purchase the land, clothes, and wearables for them in the Decentraland Marketplace. These wearables are nothing but the NFTs that are transferred to you and you can use them on your avatars to make them look more stylish.

If you think that Decentraland only allows the user to make a purchase of the wearables then you are wrong. The platform also allows users to create their own wearables and use them on their avatars. You can also sell these wearables in the Decentraland Marketplace and earn money on the Decentraland platform.

4. CryptoKitties

most valuable NFT projects

Trade Volume: $236 Million

Average Per NFT Price: $132

Cryptokitties is another NFT project that carries a lot of value. The project was started in the year 2017 and has very unique and weird types of NFTs.

As the name goes by, a user has to collect and breed kittens that have a unique genome. This genome defines their appearance and traits. Depending on the kind of NFT, the breed of kitty is decided. Users have the ability to interact in real-time with the help of tokens. They breed the cat of their choice and then sell them off. When the NFT frenzy started in 2020, crypto kitties returned back to the market.

5. Axie Infinity

most valuable NFT projects

Trade Volume: $3.81 Billion

Average Per NFT Price: $223

Next on the list of the most valuable NFT projects, we have a play-to-earn Metaverse game. The name of the game is Axie Infinity.

Axie Infinity is one of the top Metaverse games to earn money. Don’t believe me, ask the people from the Philippines. According to news, during the 2021 pandemic lockdown in June, Axie Infinity was the main source of income for the population.

So, how can we not mention it in our list of the Best Metaverse games to earn money? If you have never heard about this game then let us tell you that Axie Infinity is an RPG game that allows the players to trade the NFTs on its platform. We know that it is quite confusing to understand if you have never played this game. But, let us assure you that the process is quite simple.

The game is about the creatures called the Axies, they are a type of animal that the players buy, trade, breed and put into the arena for the fights. Well, these Axies are the NFTs and are digitalized on the Ethereum blockchain.

To start the game you need to purchase at least three Axies and this is because Axies attack only in groups. There is no scope for the one-to-one battle.

6. Sandbox NFTs

most valuable NFT projects

Trade Volume: $490 Million

Average Per NFT Price: $4,750

Last but not least we have on the list of the most valuable NFT projects we have Sandbox. The Sandbox (Sand) is a Metaverse game owned by SoftBank, that lets the users buy and sell virtual property on its platform. The announcement of the VR universe by Facebook has given the popularity of the game a boast.

You can buy virtual land, purchase property, trade, and earn money on the Sandbox platform. To get access to all these functions in The Sandbox you need to purchase the cryptocurrency called SAND. Currently, you can buy the plots in the Virtual world present on the Sandbox platform and build your empire on it.

It is estimated that the value of the Sand crypto will rise in the near future. So, if you are looking for Metaverse Cryptocurrencies to invest in then it can be one of your options. Trading is not all that you can do on The Sandbox platform. You can also create your own play to earn Metaverse games on the platform.

Wrapping Up

Well, this was the list of the most valuable NFT Projects to date. Let us make one thing clear: we are not an investing site so, we do not recommend you to invest in any type of crypto and NFT. Although NFTs seem to be the future, we suggest you do your research before making a purchase.

If you think we have missed out on any of the important NFT projects that deserve a place in this list then do tell us in the comments section. Also, if you find the article informative and interesting then do share it with your friends.

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